Joesp and HPMan this thread is for you


AKA Stuart628
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 21, 2004
Akron (Cleveland), Oh
alright so I have been reading alot about the PS3, and I have decided that I Might want one (dont get me wrong, I love halo, and my xbox 360, and I DO believe that HD DVD will win) but tell me this

#1. will the ps3 be more powerful (in terms of graphics)? or will the games just look the same because of the developers
#2. why cant I really find any in game shots for ps3 games, I found some for motorwhatever that game is, and they look nothing like what they said it will, could you point me to some?
#3 is the online really really really really going to be free, no gimmicks?
#4 anything else you want to add
I am kinda on the edge, push me over and tell me why I should get a ps3 and sell my xbox360.
Let me start out by saying that I too have a 360. I love it. I love using Windows media 11 to stream music and pictures to my HDD, and XBL is amazing. Obviously I am a fan of Sony, except audio, as well as Blu-ray, because I feel that it is a better technology and will last longer into the future. The extra space will help with a number of problems currently facing developers and movie studios.

To answer your questions.

1. Sony has not released full-spec sheets as of yet for the PS3. But, this I do know. The PS3 will have
256MB XDR Main RAM at 3.2GHz -CPU
256MB GDDR3 VRAM at 700MHz-GPU
The 360 has
512 MB GDDR3 RAM @ 700 MHz DDR (SHARED) using a unified architecture to share the memory with the GPU and CPU. The custom ATI graphics allows this to happen.

The 360 is sharing its ram with its graphics card, much like the way a computer with an on-board graphics chipset works. The PS3 has 256MB of RAM set aside to the GPU as well as XDR ram which is supposed to be 12X faster than GDDR3. In my opinion it seems the PS3 has the performance side won with this.

I don't even think it's fair to compare the Cell to an IBM power pc based 3 core CPU.

I am assuming that you want screen shots? If so here is a link to Gamespot where they have screens for all the games and are high quality captures.;images

Yes it is free. No gimmicks. The only thing that you have to pay for, if you want them, is PS1 games. Also new maps and additional features to game could come out and will be priced from a penny to two dollars. But TO PLAY THE GAMES YOU PAY ZERO! Demos are supposed to be free just like XBL. Gamerscores will be on a game by game basis, Sony will not make up an individual one. All you pay for is additional content.

I know that right now HDDVD is the biggy. People like the PQ better, and they all seem to absolutely hate Blu-ray. IMO Blu-ray is needed, not necessarily at this moment, but within the next year and a half I feel it will be extremely necessary. With the extra space, devs will be able to go about developing in so many different ways. They can use less compression on games, give more levels to us, and provide more than 6 courses on a Tiger Woods game.

I have very few problems with my 360, and I do not hate it, nor do I hate HDDVD. I just feel that Blu-ray is the supreme technology and will be needed down the road. Everyone has always said that we don't need any more space. All the big players in the industry since Bill Gates comment that we wouldn't need over, what, 512k memory have ALWAYS been wrong about space necessities. I'm using history as a basis for all of this while it seems other people are using fanboism to an extreme. If HDDVD wins I wont really care, I wall always think that Blu-ray was better, but I will still buy the disks and such, so in the end it doesn’t matter to me.

How does that translate into the PS3. In my opinion more more more. I can see so much more coming from the PS3. So many levels, weapons, playbooks, etc. that DVD9 is just too small for. EA has said the reason Tiger Woods has so few courses is because of space restrictions. In this era of gaming I believe the extra storage space for the PS3 will be the major winner. Both systems are comparable hardware wise, but I believe the PS3 notches out on top slightly. There is so much more that I could get into, but I am slightly tired right now. So I hope this helped you make a decision.
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yeah I went to ign, what I am saying is, it seems as though most of the shots are CG, while motorstorm looks good, it Looks NOWHERE near what I was expecting after seeing CG....I guess what I am wondering is the 360 going to be just as powerful as the ps3, and will we NEED blu ray right now, or in 3-4 years. thats my concerns, and I will be getting a HD DVD player, on way or the other.
Who knows about needing a Blu-Ray drive or even a HD-DVD drive. Both are on the extreme cutting edge right now.

As far as the games, MY OPINION is some of the 360 games (Gears of War & BioShock) will look much better than almost all of the PS3 launch games. MS is on the 2nd generation of games while Sony is on the 1st. 3 years from now, I expect the AAA PS3 games to look marginally better than AAA 360 games.

Personally, I don't care which games look best. I put entertaining/fun over graphics.
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The PS3 will be hands down the most powerful system of the three......The screenshots that look like CG, as far as the launch lineup is concerned, are not. The in-game graphics on Sony's first party stuff( all three games, wow..) are breathtaking in some instances. But, you will get the longest load times in the history of mankind, and all kinds of glitches and hardware problems I'm sure. Even the games that released on 360 first (Fight Night, Oblivion, etc.) are looking substantially better on PS3. Longer dev. time, or a more powerful machine, you decide. All that being said, its the games that count, so more powerful than the 360, hell yes............but who gives a crap?? This is just my opinion, I'm personally not buying a PS3, its out of my price range, but mark my words, it is a BEAST!
1. Sony has not released full-spec sheets as of yet for the PS3. But, this I do know. The PS3 will have
256MB XDR Main RAM at 3.2GHz -CPU
256MB GDDR3 VRAM at 700MHz-GPU
The 360 has
512 MB GDDR3 RAM @ 700 MHz DDR (SHARED) using a unified architecture to share the memory with the GPU and CPU. The custom ATI graphics allows this to happen.

The 360 is sharing its ram with its graphics card, much like the way a computer with an on-board graphics chipset works. The PS3 has 256MB of RAM set aside to the GPU as well as XDR ram which is supposed to be 12X faster than GDDR3. In my opinion it seems the PS3 has the performance side won with this.

I don't even think it's fair to compare the Cell to an IBM power pc based 3 core CPU.

ROFL - you truly have no idea about technical things, that's for sure. :D
Last time I read this much PR-based clueless idiocy was when I visited some gamer section of a non-technical forum. :D

FYI: 360's graphics chip fairly ahead of PS3's NV-chip, as the whole industry know this since early this year. You might want to read up a little bit before you want to offer advice to anyone... :D

PS: To be fair I must admit other posts are just as hilarious as your. ;)
ROFL - you truly have no idea about technical things, that's for sure. :D
Last time I read this much PR-based clueless idiocy was when I visited some gamer section of a non-technical forum. :D

FYI: 360's graphics chip fairly ahead of PS3's NV-chip, as the whole industry know this since early this year. You might want to read up a little bit before you want to offer advice to anyone... :D

PS: To be fair I must admit other posts are just as hilarious as your. ;)

t2k so you are saying the 360 is more powerful then the ps3? or are they going to be the same and everyone is blowing smokes in each persons O ring.
Who knows about needing a Blu-Ray drive or even a HD-DVD drive. Both are on the extreme cutting edge right now.

As far as the games, MY OPINION is some of the 360 games (Gears of War & BioShock) will look much better than almost all of the PS3 launch games. MS is on the 2nd generation of games while Sony is on the 1st. 3 years from now, I expect the AAA PS3 games to look marginally better than AAA 360 games.

Personally, I don't care which games look best. I put entertaining/fun over graphics.

Exactly. Who does know. But no one on this earth wants to look at history here. Unless it's betamax over VHS. But most people over time have suggested that the extra space is not needed. BUT IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING USED/NEEDED. It will this time as well.

Please tell me how on earth the 360 is going to hold 20 courses on a Tiger Woods game. Please tell me this. This years has 12 amazingly, and last years had only 6. The PS2 and XBOX versions have 21 courses. 21. Almost double the 360. Do you think this is because they just didnt want to put them on there or because there was no way they could fit them. FOR SURE, no i do not know. NOR DO YOU! But I'll go with my gut and you'll go with yours. If you have the proof post it!
ROFL - you truly have no idea about technical things, that's for sure. :D
Last time I read this much PR-based clueless idiocy was when I visited some gamer section of a non-technical forum. :D

FYI: 360's graphics chip fairly ahead of PS3's NV-chip, as the whole industry know this since early this year. You might want to read up a little bit before you want to offer advice to anyone... :D

PS: To be fair I must admit other posts are just as hilarious as your. ;)

Well, since I have no idea, please provide me with some technical perspective on this. Since you seem to know so much, show me.

I don't post specs unless I read them from a reliable technical forum. I simply read so much sh*t in a days time that I cannot remember where I read what I did, unless it made a big impression on me. And I also laugh at these idiots that post that have no idea what they are talking about. Now unless you are somehow in this kind of business, I dont really know what you could know. But as such, continue the slight bullying posting as you know absolutely everything over a 19 year old college student. Makes you look good man!
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But most people over time have suggested that the extra space is not needed. BUT IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING USED/NEEDED. It will this time as well.

I have to agree with this statement. I talked to a guy last week who built a computer in the late 80s. He went to a store to buy a 20MB harddrive. The retailer told him that nobody would need a 20MB hardrive for a home computer because they would never accumulate 20MB worth of data to store. Only businesses needed a drive that big. It may take a little time for the bigger BD disks to fill up in a game, but they will.

On the other hand, if 360 needs more storage in the future they will probably just make a bigger USB drive.
On the other hand, if 360 needs more storage in the future they will probably just make a bigger USB drive.

Hi Ron:

I am just curious to understand the USB drive you are speaking about and how you feel this will allow the extra space to be accommodated. I just can't seem to get an idea in my head as to how this would wokr, however, I am also not a very creative person so that has to be accounted for as well lol. But I'd really like to hear this idea.
Hi Ron:

I am just curious to understand the USB drive you are speaking about and how you feel this will allow the extra space to be accommodated. I just can't seem to get an idea in my head as to how this would wokr, however, I am also not a very creative person so that has to be accounted for as well lol. But I'd really like to hear this idea.

There isn't anything that would work at the moment. Their HDDVD is external, so they could come up with a larger external solution if needed. What that would be I don't know (larger optical if then available, load multiple HDDVDs onto an external hard drive, or something else)

It will probably take a little time before the games make a huge difference in the storage needed, so Microsoft has some time to react if they see that they need to.
Exactly. Who does know. But no one on this earth wants to look at history here. Unless it's betamax over VHS. But most people over time have suggested that the extra space is not needed. BUT IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING USED/NEEDED. It will this time as well.

Please tell me how on earth the 360 is going to hold 20 courses on a Tiger Woods game. Please tell me this. This years has 12 amazingly, and last years had only 6. The PS2 and XBOX versions have 21 courses. 21. Almost double the 360. Do you think this is because they just didnt want to put them on there or because there was no way they could fit them. FOR SURE, no i do not know. NOR DO YOU! But I'll go with my gut and you'll go with yours. If you have the proof post it!

I havent played the game.. Are there flybys of each course? Currently the game is 6.75 GB (according to the BitTorrent Warez sites) in size with the majoity of the space going to the game engine and graphical assets. Each course is most likely just a 3d topographical map with data attached to it telling the 360 to use a certain tree on a certain spot on that map. So fitting 20 courses on a 9 gb disc is most likely possible. Perhaps EA just left them off to be used as downloadable content in the future to increase their ROI on developing the game.

I am willing to bet with a game released for ALL platforms the 360 and PS3 versions will have less stuff then the PS2 and Xbox versions. Downloadable content makes money. Whether its $1.50 or $15.00. People will download the content if it extends the replayability of the game.

So if you want proof of the game sizes go look on the BitTorrent Warez sites. If you don't know, I'll email or PM them to you.
Hi Ron:

I am just curious to understand the USB drive you are speaking about and how you feel this will allow the extra space to be accommodated. I just can't seem to get an idea in my head as to how this would wokr, however, I am also not a very creative person so that has to be accounted for as well lol. But I'd really like to hear this idea.

People have been using laptop drives in a USB housing since the release of the 360 for storage. Need me to PM you the link since no Hack talk is allowed here?
There isn't anything that would work at the moment. Their HDDVD is external, so they could come up with a larger external solution if needed. What that would be I don't know (larger optical if then available, load multiple HDDVDs onto an external hard drive, or something else)

It will probably take a little time before the games make a huge difference in the storage needed, so Microsoft has some time to react if they see that they need to.

Oh ok. I understand what you are getting at. I highly doubt they would need to get bigger than HDDVD. If it had come with HDDVD standard that would have been great and I would not even try to make the argument that I am. The only problem is that the 360 will never use HDDVD to make games. M$ has said this will not happen, and if it does, and they don't rename the console to the 720 or something and change the design then there are going to be some UNHAPPY people in this world, like me, b/c they said i didnt have to worry about games going to HDDVD
People have been using laptop drives in a USB housing since the release of the 360 for storage. Need me to PM you the link since no Hack talk is allowed here?

I know all about that. I just don't see how a usb drive will make any difference on what devs can fit onto games unless they include a flash drive with each game. It didn't make much sense to me so I asked the OP about it and he clarified perfectly.
I havent played the game.. Are there flybys of each course? Currently the game is 6.75 GB (according to the BitTorrent Warez sites) in size with the majoity of the space going to the game engine and graphical assets. Each course is most likely just a 3d topographical map with data attached to it telling the 360 to use a certain tree on a certain spot on that map. So fitting 20 courses on a 9 gb disc is most likely possible. Perhaps EA just left them off to be used as downloadable content in the future to increase their ROI on developing the game.

I am willing to bet with a game released for ALL platforms the 360 and PS3 versions will have less stuff then the PS2 and Xbox versions. Downloadable content makes money. Whether its $1.50 or $15.00. People will download the content if it extends the replayability of the game.

So if you want proof of the game sizes go look on the BitTorrent Warez sites. If you don't know, I'll email or PM them to you.

Yes there are flybys of each course. And I know all about BT. Use it all the time.

About your downloadable aspect, M$ never released anything for the 06 version of the game, and I doubt, for a sports game, they would bother. For RPG's and FPS's I can see that being used, but for TW07, I don't know.

Also, I wasn't saying prove to me the about of space taken on the DVD. I was saying prove to me why those extra 9 courses weren't on the 360 version, which is amazing, I might add. Until then all we can go by is our gut. You have yours I have mine, but neither of us actually know for sure why those courses weren't on the 360 version.
Oh ok. I understand what you are getting at. I highly doubt they would need to get bigger than HDDVD. If it had come with HDDVD standard that would have been great and I would not even try to make the argument that I am. The only problem is that the 360 will never use HDDVD to make games. M$ has said this will not happen, and if it does, and they don't rename the console to the 720 or something and change the design then there are going to be some UNHAPPY people in this world, like me, b/c they said i didnt have to worry about games going to HDDVD

Don't believe what MS says. They also said we won't be getting 1080p. Its not up to MS to decide if the HD DVD drive will be used for games or not, it's the developer's decision. MS has this knack for the cover up game. Look at the recent cover up with the 100GB hard drive for the 360.

Typical MS talking would be that "No games on HD DVD" then in small print they put from MS Game Studios.

See, I don't just bash Sony, I also bash MS.

4,000,000 Wii in six weeks

Many Sony TVs won't take a 1080p signal from XBox 360!

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