Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse'

The absurdity of it is that they keep trying Sci Fi on the big 4 when it never works.
Except shows like Lost. If you say that's not sci fi, then fine -- the point is Lost is a show that worked on a Big 4 network, and shows within that same genre (whatever you wish to call the genre), that appeal to the same broad audience, can work, and work well.

Heroes also worked for a while -- it was not killed by anything other than poor work on the part of the writers themselves. The premise was good; the appeal was broad; etc.

I think Smallville may have worked on one of the Big 4; but not sure about that.
Series Finale was...

disappointing, predictable, and at times, sappy. I guess it would be tough to make it anything else. Everybody knew where it stood, and where it needed to go, so there was really no room for surprises here.
Definite bummer of an ending. But then again the show itself never seemed to have a good direction anyway. Once again Eliza Dushku is canceled in another show.
They really should have left it with the next to last episode. Ending it with the glimpse of the future they tacked on to that episode would have made a killer ending for the series. Leave everyone wanting more.
Almost surely not. As discussed earlier in the thread, it seems clear that they compressed the rest of what they planned to do over several seasons into a few episodes... I would guess that this last episode represented at most two or three episodes if the show had lasted for several more years.