Manhattan RC-1978 HD

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Looks interesting and the specs look good except for the memory and video output. 16MB flash and 128MB SDRAM seem a bit underwhelming. Even the least costly Android IPTV boxes have 2GB and 8GB with the better ones going up to 2GB & 16GB. It appears not to output 4K either even though it supports H.265 so it seems it will down convert 4K to 1080 output? Not sure that makes sense, or maybe I'm missing something?
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Doesn't cut the mustard!
Not enough memory as already pointed out (and yes memory is a HUGE issue) and the ability to pull in the 4k feeds over here are another issue.
If this is what Jeff from Manhattan has been touting about it is lacking right out of the gate.
Price I saw was $120.00 so I don't know if this is the lesser of the 2 receivers they were bringing out or what.
Would be nice to know for sure what is going on.
I think we will pass on this one.
Listen, to be honest if the receiver did EVERYTHING on my wishlist, i'd pay $400.oo for it. But, all the receivers that are coming out do exactly the same stuff, and ignore what us enthusiasts really need.

Whether cheap or expensive they all seem to be lacking and/or very buggy. Then before they fix all the bugs, they release a new product abandon their old units and sell a brand new buggy unit. Ridiculous! When my users report bugs, i fix them and compile a new version for them to run within a few hours. With satellite receivers, you report a bug, and your lucky if they will EVER fix it.
Boring... It seems like every receiver is a re-hash of the ones already out. Okay, it does h.265 but without UHD.

I see it says H.265 support, but does it mean the tuner will play H.265 channels (for example, those that were on 30W last year)? I see it will play H.265 video files, but doesn't seem to definitively say it will do H.265 channels.
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Whether cheap or expensive they all seem to be lacking and/or very buggy. Then before they fix all the bugs, they release a new product abandon their old units and sell a brand new buggy unit. Ridiculous!

I have seen this happen all too often myself. Sad that those doing this just think satellite hobbyist are nothing more than their personal bread basket. However, we are at fault for falling for it.
If we just quit buying into these outdated products then maybe they will get the picture we won't settle for less or be used as a guinea pig every time they come out with a new (buggy) receiver.
Who are those who are testing it? Their good ol boy friends who are just yes people?
Personally I would much rather see REAL testers & their unbiased comments before the product is released.
(I guess that is asking for too much though)

There should be a check list of sorts from all the previous requirements that were needed but it usually just seems we start from scratch every time.

That one last FTA receiver that came out on this site was a fiasco from the get go and should have waken everyone up, even those who did not purchase one.

Then the cheap $20 receivers came around that did more than some of those costing 5 times as much with less problems! Tough for any of the dealers over here to make a living after that.

I have doubts we will see any real 4k FTA receivers come out this year that actually work over here.
I hope I am wrong but am not holding my breath.
This looks like it could be a solid entry level receiver at a reasonable price for a licensed product. The market needs a basic product with standard features just as much as it needs a feature rich product with cutting edge technology. Not everything sold is to target the demanding requirements or wants of a hobbyist or enthusiast. There is a need for bread and butter solid performances unit.

This may be a good product, but we don't know yet as no one has bought, independently tested or reviewed. Why so quick to diss a receiver? Is anyone even selling one yet?
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To be honest Brian I think it's getting pounded a bit for the specs. The lack of memory would be a deal killer for me and frankly anyone introducing a new box with such paltry memory, especially on an IPTV box, has, in my opinion, missed the boat. That, combined with H.265 capability but no UHD output just drives home the point. I would also disagree that the market needs a basic product. What the market over here needs and wants is a robust full-featured FTA box (with IPTV if they really feel they have to). The people on this forum, and others, are the market and I think we have all been quite clear on what we want and frankly, this isn't it.

I'm not sure I understand the reference to "Not everything sold is to target the demanding requirements or wants of a hobbyist or enthusiast." If it isn't hobbyists and enthusiasts who buy FTA boxes, who is it? Seems to me once you enter into the realm of FTA you're one or the other or both. If you're not you won't get it, or keep it, working. FTA is not a once and done, plug & play technology, it takes involvment and regular maintenance, even if it's just regular rescanning to keep up with channel changes, not to mention cable issues, LNB trouble shooting, switch problems, motor issues, satelllite moves/changes, Mux relocation, etc.. No, the FTA hobby is supported virtually exclusively by enthusiasts like the people on this forum and we know what we want and it isn't weak, limited, or out-of-date technology because we are, in fact, cutting edge by the very fact that we are involved with FTA.
The people on this forum, and others, are the market and I think we have all been quite clear on what we want and frankly, this isn't it.

It is not a matter is "dissing" the receiver but in fact looking at the specs as Jeepguy pointed out.
(That also depends if the specs giving out are correct)
Anyone looking to bring a FTA receiver to market should be asking what the market wants and that has been pointed out in many threads here and in others places.
The fact is they may bring out 1 or 2 items then appear to forget the rest and say the next one will be better.
I for one don't think that type of mentality will fly anymore as hobbyist are becoming more savvy.
As for those bringing the product to market, they don't appear too overly friendly to answer the questions asked and remain aloof more often then not. This is not the way to be.

I remain open to the fact (which I heard secondhand) that this may be the lesser of two receivers that was coming out within the next month by the same company.
If those responsible for the receive would be more forthcoming then there would be no idle speculation on things as they would be out there in black & white.
With satellite receivers, you report a bug, and your lucky if they will EVER fix it.

To be fair if you look back over the micro HD thread there were issues that were addressed quickly and to most people's satisfaction. That was when Brian was in control of things he helped people out.
I have not see that type of consumer respect in a long time.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But if I remember correctly: This receiver is an intermediate release to fill the gap until a more capable model is released.( I believe the next model will have the new ATSC format) Jeff at Manhattan asked members on Hyper's site whether they preferred having NOTHING new until the better model is ready, or having this new box as a fill-in. Many called for the 1978HD model.

Remember,there are some people who need a box NOW and will not wait a few months for a newer model. Should Manhattan have stood by and lost market shares? Not in my opinion. Personally, I am good until something a heckova lot better than my 9000i comes out.

I've never had a Manhattan (yet), so you can't dismiss me as a 'fan boy'. :nana2
I have been following the Manhattan receiver threads on other sites and this receiver appears to be intended to be a basic receiver to replace the 1993 model (no longer in production) and a 4K higher function model still announced for later in Q1.

Of course there is a strong market demand for a basic STB. The majority of NA STB sales are not made to hobbyists or enthusiast. The majority of sales remains for ethnic or single service reception. I think it makes perfect business sense to make sure they have a receiver that sells the necessary quantity to the masses so they can offer a a higher function and higher cost STB that will have a niche market with reduced sales.

Agreed, information on this receiver is limited, but what we know is that it wasn't designed for a hobbyist like yourself and there is no reason for it to appeal to you or for you to even consider purchasing it. Is it appropriate for their target market?

If it is tested and reviewed to be a good product, I would rather recommend to a new member or for the casual user to purchase a licensed and capable STB sold by a knowledgeable and supporting NA dealer rather than turn him loose to the unpredictable products (often with open promotion of TOS) and unscrupulous international resellers on eBay and Amazon.

I am certain that 2017 will present several capable 4K STBs that are suitable to the NA hobbyists,as I have tested several excellent samples that are about to come to market.
What you guys have to remember is, that a lot of us here at SatelliteGuys are your power user. Sure the newbie comes along and we love to help a newbie get into the hobby. Most of us that are here everyday though are the guys that are on the bleeding edge. What just came out is not good enough, we want to know what is next, a cycle that never stops; it is in our personality. :)
However, a new person to FTA may want a box around 100 bucks just to get their feet wet and see if they are going to enjoy the hobby. These guys don't need something with a thousand options they still are trying to memorize what FTA stands for. Also like Brian said there are lots of ethnic or single service customers, that could care less about bells and whistles and will never use them.

I agree on the specs, when I saw them I thought, boy the hard core guys on SatelliteGuys isn't going to like these numbers. I see I hit that one on the head. However, let's let it come out and see a real review and see how it goes before we jump the gun. Remember this is being targeted as a basic receiver with NA support not bleeding edge.
I don't want to seem like I'm nit-picking but honestly, how many times and for how long now have we heard "This isn't the good one, the next one will be the good one." Except the next one turns out to be yet another inadequate fill-in with yet another dangling carrot of "but the next one will be great.". If someone really believes there's a more important entry-level market than an enthusiasts market they need to rethink it. I simply don't believe that.

Let me also say this, I was involved with marketing for a Fortune 500 company for a long time and one steadfast rule when introducing a product line is this - you never introduce the economy model first, not ever, because people will buy it and later, when you introduce the better model you have already sold your market. You either bring them out together and let the customer balance features vs price or you bring out the better model first hoping people who are priced out will buy the lesser model when it's introduced later on but again, you never release the lesser model first.
Titanium said there is a strong market?? I don't understand this as there are like 20-30 different STB's to choose from that you can buy that do everything this new model will do with exception to the hevc. And right now, i am unaware of any hevc signals that would be used for the "ethnic or single service reception." So, how can there be a large market to tap when there are already so many receivers you can buy now (and for the last few years) that will more than do the job???
I don't want to seem like I'm nit-picking but honestly, how many times and for how long now have we heard "This isn't the good one, the next one will be the good one."

Was not that posted right here at Satellite guys on a thread about another receiver? I thought I read that some time back now.
Irregardless, they decided to put out the inadequate one first.:coco
(I say inadequate based solely on the specs released.)
That would be a smart "business" move on their part, however I did not understand the need for 2 receivers coming out. When I heard about that over a month ago I was surprised.

Yes there are other receivers out there that ethnic or single service folks could use but I don't see the masses from here jumping on board for this one just yet.

But hey don't worry! The next one will be the good one! :computerwindow
Hanging out on FTA forums one might assume that we are a large group and make up the majority of satellite FTA viewers and purchases, but it just isn't so. The bread and butter customer of every NA STB distributor is not hobbyists/enthusiasts like us.

Anyone selling legal FTA satellite gear in NA could tell you, the majority of set top box DVBS/S2 sales are for receiving ethnic/religious/service specific programming. NA demand for STBs is significantly smaller than five years ago. Even with the shift towards IP, satellite hobbyist/enthusiast market share is a fraction compared to these other markets.

Even the most basic and barebones SOC/ hardware solution is now supporting HEVC. Probably be more difficult to manufacture a STB without it.

I wish Manhattan well with their STB and look forward to a member testing and posting a review. Don't see the point of discouraging anyone willing to bring a legit and licensed STB to NA.
I'm not discouraging, I'm just wondering why they bother putting out something that already exists? The LinkBox is a legitimate system. So are the Amiko Units and the GeoSatPro receivers etc... So, why make yet another one that doesn't do anything new?? I'm not arguing the fact that the mainstreamers are okay with simple units, but isn't the market already flooded with legitimate SIMPLE units???
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