NEW HD RUMOR; 24 HD Channels for DirecTV..Bye bye Voom

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fredfa said:
And, Sean Mota, be sure to go back and check all those VOOM posts about how V* was going to have 40,000 or 75,000 or some incredible number of subs at the end of June.
I am sure you will be the first to criticize them.
VOOM is a great product that is being all but ignored by a very, very niche market at the moment.
That is most apparent by the incredibly high interest rate it had to agree to for its bonds.
And by the time it isn't a niche market any more, the folks with the marketing pizazz and the big pockets will be ready.
And sadly for VOOM, those folks don't work for VOOM.


since you decided to attack my integrity I challenge you to look up the post or thread where I said VOOM will have more than 40K. We all have said that we all wanted VOOM to have more than 40K. Wanting is one thing. Saying that it is, is another. Please be my guest and find the thread/post where I said more than 40K. Again this is a D* discussion, and very little to do with VOOM's subscribership. Let the D* subs discuss this "rumor" until it becomes true on September 30th, 2004.

If you have something to discuss regarding Voom subscribership, please use the appropriate thread.
Give me another pin!!

I'll pound another pin into my head for each day that passes without a new HD channel, Hurry UP DirecTV I am running out of room!!
Hell Raiser said:
I'll pound another pin into my head for each day that passes without a new HD channel, Hurry UP DirecTV I am running out of room!!

Well, you can always subscribe to Voom... ;)
slacker9876 said:
I am currently receiving the Olympic coverage on channels 84 & 16 (9-1) and I cannot tell the difference between the OTA and SAT feeds. I think at 1080i things just look amazing! :D Now I know I am going out on a HUGE limb here, but the video coverage by NBC is comparable to anything I have watched on HDNet

That could be because D* and E* seem to allow more bandwidth to HDNet that other HD channels, as far as NBC Olympics the PQ is about the same for OTA/V*/D* but OTA I get more black screens and pixelation for some wierd reason you'd think in this care OTA would be the way to go. The only two events that have really knocked me out (pun intended) PQ wise was the Tyson fight (only saw it on Voom) and the CBS NFL game HD OTA.
I also get pixelization with my OTA Olympic coverage but the reason is easy to answer. My local NBC station broadcasts an additional digital sub channel. That second channel removes approximately 3.5Mbs of bandwidth which would normally be dedicated to the HD feed.
My area does not have a sub-channel though, I've done several OTA scans this week, and I get nothing. It also doesn't explain all the black screens I get (while the audio is still going) from the OTA feed only, unless it's just this particular station (WTVJ-6 Miami) that's having a problem pulling down the feed.
r.jones1116 said:
If they are the only one that offers 21 exclusive channels, then yes, they are cutting edge. Sorry that all 21 don't appeal to your taste, but that doesn't mean that they hold no value. Maybe you just need to be more open minded.

I have had the "big 21" for four months now and most are not watchable, just repeative. My guess they are not make adjustments on the 21 because they are hoping to sell Voom to DirecTV.
slacker9876 said:
Okay perhaps it wasn't a dumb question! Jason's answer DOES make sense though ... but than again I thought they moved so many locals because they were bringing a bird "home."

Home to El Segundo, California? Now that's a paper weight!
Seawaves said:
I have had the "big 21" for four months now and most are not watchable, just repeative. My guess they are not make adjustments on the 21 because they are hoping to sell Voom to DirecTV.

The 21 Exclusives are produced in house man, HDNET movies is a rotation of old movies as well, if you really think about it, probably DiscoveryHDTheatre and PBS are the only non-premium channels that are constantly pulling in new content on a weekly basis (if that). It may not be your cup of tea Seawaves but I get a feeling that Voom won't keep the 21 exclusives like they are now foreever, lots of people want more from the 21.
Dear Sean, I think you are wrong...again! but yeah, right it down on your calender if it you makes you happy
I belive all this was started as a RUMOR............not in stone, not from Dtv, but a RUMOR!
you know what a RUMOR is don't ya
My, my, Sean, we DO get sensitive.
I am perfectly capable of pointing out that I was referring to YOUR posts if that is what I meant.
But my post had nothing to do with your integrity, it was more about my perception of your hypocrisy: you do seem to have completely different standards for DirecTV enthusiasts and their hopes than for VOOM's fans and theirs.
No, (to make this crystal clear) in my original post I was referring to the post after post after post on the VOOM sites claiming (what turned out to be) the wildly extravagant, not to mention inaccurate sub claims for VOOM.
I am very capable of having missed one of your posts cautioning that such exuberance was perhaps misplaced, but I don't remember any such post coming from the "Resistance Is Futile" camp.
I continue to be amazed at the depth of your antipathy to DirecTV and people who enjoy its service (and your seeming joy in posting that childish "Resistance Is Futile" full color VOOM ad at every opportunity on DirecTV threads).
I also notice that at least one thread over in the VOOM section specifically (and not very politely) instructed DirecTV partisans NOT to post their comments.
And since, as you correctly note, this IS a DirecTV thread, do you think perhaps someone who is a moderator might use a tad more decorum?
It would seem to me that there is a spectacular opportunity for Scott and you all here to embrace DBS. You already have better than 10% of all VOOMers as members. But perhaps not alienating the rest of us could be a good idea until it becomes clear that VOOM will survive.
Because otherwise, with your arrogance and hostility, if things don't turn out the way you'd like for VOOM, this could end up as popular as a Betamax, 8-track, or Yugo forum.
You being a moderator and all (and so interested in free speech in the DirecTV forums), I was a bit surprised (not!) that I didn't see you standing up for free speech over in that VOOM cocoon.
You want to have it both ways: every single negative story, rumor or fantasy about DirecTV should be shouted from the rooftops. Every failure of VOOM needs to be explained away and folks who have the audacity to mention such get zapped.
So, let's make this plain: I never (even off-handedly) attacked your integrity in my original post.
I admire your exuberance and tenacity in sticking up for what you hope and believe.
But your total lack of fairness, objectivity, and respect for other people when their points of view run counter to yours, coupled with your continual and heavy-handed attempts to trash DirecTV in IN THE DIRECTV FORUM forum seem to be without question childish and often sophomoric.
Question your judgment?
You bet.
But if I were to question your integrity I would at least have the common decency to send you a pm, and not question it in so public a forum.
I must agree and think that Sean may be eating his hat come around the end of October (although he is safe in regards to the end of September)

I have talked now to numerous people at DirecTV and they are all saying the same thing, after they make their changes "who needs VOOM"

Infact they are VERY optomistic about it.

I have VOOM and I love it, and must actually admit I watch more of the HD Exclusives VOOM offers then the mainstream HD content VOOM offers.

I do think that DirecTV will become the HD leader, however when VOOM launches its service on the second satellite and moves to WM9 amd MPEG4 the crown again will go to VOOM.

I have learned to ignore your post in the avsforum and in here I have no recourse but to read them. As a matter of fact, I just skipped over it. It is not worth my time.
Maybe Directv will do the same and start transitioning to WM9/MPEG4 as well.

Let me address the D* community here. I do not have anything against D* or any of their subscribers. My post was in fact making fun of the "deadline of HD" on D*. As you know, these rumors have come up more than once this year and each time there was a deadline. First, January, then March, then July and now September. So it looks like this deadline of new HD on D* has a life of its own.

Of course, nothing comes official from D* but only from a few "hopeful" that keep moving the deadline until they finally landed on the right date. As opposed to any "believers" out there, I am not a one man company but an HD enthusiasts as most of you are. I spend a lot of money monthly on getting HD programming. I also have E* all package with the HD package. The only reason I still have E* is because I am also waiting to see what D* is going to do. I have not interest in Sunday Ticket HD/SD. That's not my cup of tea. If D* becomes the HD leader, I will drop E* (since they seem to be stuck on the mud in the HD arena) immediately and put my money with D*. So my money is driven by whomever offers HD the most. Believe it or not but I also have cable just to the Yankees game since Dish has opted not to do this. So as you can see I spend a lot of money in different providers and I won't hesitate if D* takes over the HD arena. I want more HD. That's all. The fact that I have VOOM and I am a moderator at VOOM means nothing. I'll go where the HD. Right now, D* has no incentive for me to switch to them. Even an HD Tivo is not enough.

So with this I conclude and hope that by Sept 30 will get more HD channels on D*. If it moves again, I hope is the last time. But you see now it is October and not September. So the deadline keeps moving, I hope it does not move more to November and Decemeber.

Of course, all my options I keep open.
It is no surprise you don't read information you don't agree with, Sean.
And it is no surprise you don't reply face-to-face to specific responses to scatter gun attack on DirecTV and the folks who enjoy it.
No, your response is to simply make another personal attack-- then retreat to sort of answer some cherry-picked points to every one else.
And if your love of VOOM is as shallow as you claim " money is driven by whomever offers HD the most...." I feel sorry for VOOM and fear even more for its future.
I would expect those who profess to love it (and spend so much time bashing other providers) to give it a little more consideration than that.
And one last thought.
(Damn I am SO sorry you aren't reading this!)
That "deadline" you keep talking about has nothing to do with DirecTV.
It is merely the hope/expectation/prediction of some who post on this forum (and others).
(Not at all like VOOM's bigger and better DVR promised, by VOOM management, for the third quarter of this year.)

you don't give up...ah... Please give it up... :) it is only TV... There are more important things in life. Go and enjoy life for a while. You talk a lot of it....
One thing is certain....deadlines are rarely met when it comes to adding Ch's or rolling out new technology or updates to software. DirecTV , Dish and VOOM all have set dates in the past that they have intended to keep...but we all know deadlines are made to be broken. End of Sept DirecTV will probably add FOX and for anything else..its anyones guess. My opinion is we will have to wait until the end of this year to see what DirecTV's HD Pack looks like vrs Vooms HD. Voom plans to release a DVR. When I went to the electronics show in NYC they were saying its pushed back. Deadlines are never met in this industry.
fredfa said:
It is no surprise you don't read information you don't agree with, Sean. And it is no surprise you don't reply face-to-face to specific responses to scatter gun attack on DirecTV and the folks who enjoy it.
No, your response is to simply make another personal attack-- then retreat to sort of answer some cherry-picked points to every one else.

It's a shame that the same Voomers make these assaults on various message boards. Fredfa - your observations are an accurate portrayal of S.O.P. for these posters.

vinnyv07 said:
One thing is certain....deadlines are rarely met when it comes to adding Ch's or rolling out new technology or updates to software... Deadlines are never met in this industry.
Most certainly true.

It is important ot note that the ONLY PUBLIC commitment that DirecTV made about adding more HD was that they would provide 2 to 3 times the content in 2004. Last time I checked, Sean, the calendar said it was August. The additions to NFL Ticket, NBC and FOX HD network feeds, Bravo HD, and just a very few others would meet that goal. If you want to talk REAL FACTS, talk about Voom's business model forecast for 100,000 subscribers at this time, whereas they have less than 1/3 of that.

As far as your intentions, plans to dump Voom at the drop of a hat if and when you get what HD content you want out of someone else.....whopee... :rolleyes:

Everyone loves a fair weather fan, huh?

I've had sat service with D*TV for 9 1/2 years, and (as Vinny correctly pointed out) have seen "deadline"s come and go with all broadcasting providers (including cable, Voom, Dish, and D*TV). That said, the fact that D*TV's subscriber growth this year is 30 times Voom's seems to support the fact that they must be doing something right. Everyone would like to see more HD programming - admittedly, once you've seen it, you're hooked. But all of us (yes you too Sean) need to get realistic on how quick quality HD content and new channels will be released. I'm just soaking in the HD Olympics and preparing for all the new HD in NFL Ticket. As Bravo HD and other channels get added in the near term, we'll all just enjoy our D*TV a little but more. If and when you want to join us, you are most welcome. :)
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