Realistically, what can I expect?

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Hardware-wise, is there any chance of getting old HW vs newer HW in case there have been recent HW changes?
There is always a chance.

In the case of the wireless GenieMinis, you will get the latest technology as there aren't older implementations floating around.

The installer will bring what they have access to at the time.
So there's a chance the installer would bring a 34 instead of a 44? From what I've read, I don't think I would accept that. Hmm.
So there's a chance the installer would bring a 34 instead of a 44? From what I've read, I don't think I would accept that. Hmm.

The installer will call you before arriving at your house. At that time, ask if the HR44 is available on the truck. If not, reschedule the install. Repeat until you get the HR44.

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If you refuse the install too many times they will not reschedule.
Thanks for the tips. Seems like something to address at the time the order is placed, if possible.
Don't rely on what a csr will tell you about guaranteeing you an HR44. They can't, although they may say they can.
Line level also applies to NTSC analog video signals whether composite or S-VHS (chroma a luminance delivered independently). It is a very handy designation to distinguish between the varying analog voltages and their RF modulated counterparts.

In all of my years working in the TV industry as a working professional. Doing up links, utility work, working as EIC on many trucks and many programs, I have never heard of video signals called line level. ONLY AUDIO! We always called it by what it was, ie Composite, SDI, HDSDI, ASI, 3G, fiber ect. On some of these trucks if you were caught saying that you would be kicked off site and never hired again as a freelancer. Infact, even in TV school it has always been called composite signals when referencing NTSC Analoge video signals. If you would like to learn more here is a great resource.
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Setting up Directv at Cabin in Manitoba

Gonna use my AM21 again... What zip codes can I use?

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