Slysoft releases best update notes ever....


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 15, 2004
AnyDVD beta - SlySoft Forum 2007 11 07

* New (Blu-ray): AnyDVD ripper copies BD+ titles
* New (Blu-ray): Removed "BD+ not supported" warning, as all available BD+ titles can be copied with AnyDVD ripper, or can be watched on HTPC without HDCP using PowerDVD 3104 and AnyDVD. Reports indicate, that burned BD+ titles work on PS3 and standalone players as well.
* Note to Twentieth Century Fox: As you can see, BD+ didn't offer you any advanced security, it just annoyed some of your customers with older players. So could you please cut this crap and start publishing your titles on HD DVD? There are thousands of people willing to give you money.
* Note to people considering to invest in HD media: Please buy HD DVD instead of Blu-ray. HD DVD is much more consumer friendly (e.g., no region coding, AACS not mandatory). Don't give your money to people, who throw your fair-use rights out of the window.
* New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Support for more MKBv4 titles
* Some minor fixes and improvements
* Updated languages
Strange advice. This product seems more targeted at blu-ray than HD DVD simply because there is more copy protection on the BR side. So they should encourage BR use, to encourage sales of their AnyDVD product.

Just my thoughts.
Yea, their opinion that HD-DVD is better because the copy protection is not as good as BD seems pretty stupid. Both formats have tried their best to avoid being cracked.

Just goes to show that DRM is a dying beast. I know I never bought music online until iTunes and Amazon offered DRM free music. Hopefully the movie studios will realize DRM only annoys the honest folk, the crooks will always find a way.
It's not because they have less copy protection. They have the same opinion that I do.

HD DVD is much more consumer friendly (e.g., no region coding, AACS not mandatory). Don't give your money to people, who throw your fair-use rights out of the window.

It's all about not supporting those who want to take your rights away!
So they should encourage BR use, to encourage sales of their AnyDVD product.
It is really refreshing to see a commercial enterprise putting customers interest above even their own potential profits.
They actually haven't charged for updates... yet: if you buy AnyDVD HD it does DVD/HD/BD and all updates are free.
When BD+ is completely whacked, they might...

As a tangent info, SlySoft team members claim that for the latest AACS update MKB v.4 (separate from BD+) the team
that created AACS was called for help by Cyberlink to assist in "hiding" the keys in PowerDVD.
They did a nice job: a whole week was needed to "undo" all that... :)
Hopefully the movie studios will realize DRM only annoys the honest folk, the crooks will always find a way.
I don't think we will witness that, people don't live that long...:)

It's not because they have less copy protection. They have the same opinion that I do.

HD DVD is much more consumer friendly (e.g., no region coding, AACS not mandatory). Don't give your money to people, who throw your fair-use rights out of the window.

It's all about not supporting those who want to take your rights away!

Are there any HD-DVD titles not using AACS?

The no region coding is nice, but I think I've bought 6 non R1 DVDs ever.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't get why a studio wanting to protect its intellectual property gets labeled as not consumer-friendly.

That's like saying oil companies are not consumer friendly because they want to charge you for gasoline...... ok, bad example, but you get the idea - businesses are in business to make money. If they let you do whatever you want with their intellectual property, they don't make as much money.

I'm not arguing the legality of the issue, I just don't get why everyone gets so mad at the studios for trying...
Perfect world allows you to backup a movie YOU paid for but keeps others from getting them free(renting it on Netflix and making a copy). But itll never happen
Well, they could just give away every movie for free too...
That business modell is not sustainable...
This is a topic as sensitive as Kyoto, Iraq, HD vs. BD, etc. and any rational discussion is always very short...

The one main argument studios use "We have to do this or we'll go under" doesn't have merits, I believe.
And the DVD history is the best proof: the protection (CSS) was hacked in the last century and the studios
were doing some $20 bln per year. The most successful format ever!

Only way to beat slysoft is to remove the keys for the software players, and not allow HD material to be played on PCs. It is impossible to secure a software player. Even Vista with all its wizbang security features cannot defeat a PC emulator.
Only way to beat slysoft is to remove the keys for the software players, and not allow HD material to be played on PCs.
First, this is very unlikely to happen since lawsuits will be flying between player makers and AACS LA.
Second, it's too late. Unlike SACD, HD/BD is readable on PC and that can't be undone. As soon as BD+ is brocken, there is a good chance an independent player can be built to play HD/BD.
Third, I'm not sure it is their goal to make it completely unhackable...:rolleyes: Since this could mean complete irrelevance of both formats.


Nice try, but your missing the point. I have backed up my DVD's for a few years now, the law allows me to make up to on back up copy of anything I own. As for your netflix/blockbuster arguement, that's bunk. The average consumer even withn the ability to rip movies we don't own will still buy that nice box. I.E. I had a copy of LOTR before it was released. As soon as it was released I went and bought the set. Besides what's the difference with recording HBO from your VCR back in the day. Did that stop movie sales? (hell no). So i'm not buying your line about it hurts the studio. The only reason we don't record more HD from Cable/sat is because of the HDCP debacle. DRM is going down, hell Allofmp3 / mp3sparks have it right already. As soon as I found out about them 3 years ago Apple was dead to me. Not soo much because of the price difference, but because of zero DRM from the get go. Are they probably screwing the artists.., probably..., but here's a novel concept why not simply adopt their business model and level the playing field (but the music industry can't do that because they would give some but not all power to the consumer.... freakin idiots). They (the RIAA) would probably make a hell of a lot more money if they had a clue. I'm damn just plain tired of coporate greed. The format war is the main thing hurting the studios profits which was stupid to begin with. Slysoft simply and rightly raised the consumer middle finger to the "man" and said to hell to both of them. You freakin clowns (sony & toshiba) can't get your crap together then the consumer is marching on without you.

Nice try, but your missing the point. I have backed up my DVD's for a few years now, the law allows me to make up to on back up copy of anything I own. As for your netflix/blockbuster arguement, that's bunk. The average consumer even withn the ability to rip movies we don't own will still buy that nice box. I.E. I had a copy of LOTR before it was released. As soon as it was released I went and bought the set. Besides what's the difference with recording HBO from your VCR back in the day. Did that stop movie sales? (hell no). So i'm not buying your line about it hurts the studio. The only reason we don't record more HD from Cable/sat is because of the HDCP debacle. DRM is going down, hell Allofmp3 / mp3sparks have it right already. As soon as I found out about them 3 years ago Apple was dead to me. Not soo much because of the price difference, but because of zero DRM from the get go. Are they probably screwing the artists.., probably..., but here's a novel concept why not simply adopt their business model and level the playing field (but the music industry can't do that because they would give some but not all power to the consumer.... freakin idiots). They (the RIAA) would probably make a hell of a lot more money if they had a clue. I'm damn just plain tired of coporate greed. The format war is the main thing hurting the studios profits which was stupid to begin with. Slysoft simply and rightly raised the consumer middle finger to the "man" and said to hell to both of them. You freakin clowns (sony & toshiba) can't get your crap together then the consumer is marching on without you.

I don't remember ever mentioning Netflix or Blockbuster, but ok....

And I don't think everyone else is as noble as you are. If they get a copy for free, they're not going to run to the store to pay $25 for the same thing, just to get the "nice box." If you want to believe that, though, go ahead.

It's pretty simple, really. They are in business to make money. The more copies they sell, the more money they make. The more people are making "free" copies, the less they sell and the less money they make. If I was them, I'd try to stop it, too.

PS3 price cut effect

Blu-ray reacts angrily to HD DVD (attach rate) claims