
Bought some Chocolate Chip today, (they were out of Chocolate) still have some Cookies & Cream to hit...
time for either the Mtn. Trail mix or my standby at work, mixed nuts with extra pecans...
Great minds must think alike.:rolleyes: Although not ice cream I picked up some chocolate chip cookie dough at the grocery store today. Obtw do you pronounce them pea-kans or pa-kanns?:D Stay safe.;)
Tostitos Scoops and Home Made Salsa

Real easy recipe!

2 cans hunts diced tomatoes
a few (1 - 3) roma tomatoes
A few sprigs of Cilantro (not much, maybe three or four full leaves)
1 tblspoon of Salt (more to taste)
1/4 tblspoon of Garlic Powder (more to taste)
Jalapenos to taste (I like to use 20 or so for my salsa, but the S.O. is a wimp so I only use 7 -10.)

Mix all ingredients in a food processor, and turn that sucker on for about 15-20 seconds. Enjoy salsa.

Beverage of Choice

Whats for breakfast?