TheDigitalBits Site Hacked

Looks like the name was hijacked and as a consequence - disabled.

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Blu-ray Forum - View Single Post - Digital Bits down?

Diogen -- did you and your buddies hijack Bill Hunt?:)
Don't people have anything better to do with their lives?:confused:

I can't stand crap like this. Regardless of if you like the site or not, this is just lame.
Hey, kids are breaking into banks and the Pentagon. If there is code written somewhere there is a kid out to break the security. This has become a fact of life -- even if it is illegal.
And the trolls at blame it on people at AVS because the mods there deleted threads talking about the attack just like this one. They really need to grow up over there. :rolleyes:
Diogen -- did you and your buddies hijack Bill Hunt?:)
Why bother?
The disconnect between Blu Shill Bill and his ego grew so large, his impotence spread from analytical abilities to inability to protect his domain name. From what is known about the French V4 group, they are not even 1st tier. I believe he orchestrated this attack himself since no hacker group would get "famous" for this...:)

Pathetic, just like your insinuations, Joe.

AVS is predominantly Microsoft shill (Amir was their darling, many there are 'certified,' and they are definitely anti-Sony effites)...I wouldn't be surprised if they are sympathetic to the hack. The way they censor their site has driven me away, by and large. I want open discussions, not slanted propaganda. 'Widescreen Review' has pretty much sunk to such as well, which is a shame as it was a great resource for me for many years.

This all does make perfect sense after Bill's become the poster boy for the anti-Blu crowd (who must be children, by-and-large, as they obviously have no memory of his past consumer-centric advocacy, or they don't bother reading his statements in full, as he is very open in his thought processes and the fact that he HAS taken a side, but not idly and transparently [like the many corporate plants/shills that post on these AV forums]). If its all coincidental--its hugely coincidental. But huge coincidence's do occur.

Really, these format wars are bringing out the worst in people...
I won't be baited Vurb...I know you all too well ;).

God bless you and your 'opinion.'
AVS is predominantly Microsoft shill (Amir was their darling, many there are 'certified,' and they are definitely anti-Sony effites)...
There is one difference between Shill-Amir and Shill-Bill: Amir never claimed to be objective (at least over the last 3+ years I read AVS).
And if you look at the rare category that is normally called "fact", not a single insider offered more of it than Amir.

In other words, if Amir is called a shill, using the same to the rest of the insiders (with very few exceptions, sspears maybe)
would be complimenting them: Talkstr8t, Penton-man, paidgeek, R&BFilms, etc.

An issue of terminology...

AMir is a VP at M$. Shanewalker apparently doesnt even know what a shill is. He is a M$ mouthpiece yes but not a shill. BluRay bill on the other hand claims to be impartial and has evaluated who is the best to go with.(cough cough).........:rolleyes:
AMir is a VP at M$. Shanewalker apparently doesnt even know what a shill is. He is a M$ mouthpiece yes but not a shill. BluRay bill on the other hand claims to be impartial and has evaluated who is the best to go with.(cough cough).........:rolleyes:

I know what a shill is. I know who Amir is/was. I said AVS had degenerated into a Microsoft shill by hosting/promoting/coddling the spokespeople. I'm all for allowing an open forum...but it got pretty slanted in there for my tastes, a big bully PR pulpit.

Which is the definition of NON-objective.

And, again, to correct the mis-statement...Bill Hunt made an open letter on his taking a side and why (he did the same thing when he took a stand against Divx back in the early DVD days). That's NOT underhanded, that's honest. He has offered no pretense on staying neutral now, but does not pretend to provide a forum like the AVS folk or a magazine like 'Widescreen Review' and claim THEY are neutral, meanwhile offering themselves/their medium as a platform for sponsor/crony propaganda. Bill is an editorialist and is very up front about it...what DON'T you understand here, guys?
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Who here is being objective in this post? I make a joke and Diogen takes it as serious comment. Shanewalker points out the obvious lean over at AVS and Vurbano says hogwash and Diogen tries to paint AVS as being even minded and fair because someone is not objective on the site? AVS does more patrolling and censoring honest debate and consensious then any supposedly open site on the internet.

And of course, lets all jump on Bill Hunt's back. All he has done is shared facts (tell me where he has lied about something -- if he messpeaks then he corrects himself) and exposed both BluRay's and HD-DVD's advantages and shortages. He also has come out in favor of BluRay so that immeadiately means that his knowledge and connections in the industry have ended and everything he now prints is BS. Unlike a few posters on here that I know of -- at least he does have inside info and at times he does share it. I haven't heard of anyone hear meantioned that they have been invited to any BluRay or HD-DVD seminars. But that is okay, because as soon as you say you even like BluRay all the HD-DVD zealots (and that is how some act) come out of hiding and begin telling you that not only have you lost your mind but you should be commited because you surely did not make an informed decision because the only one you could of made was to back HD-DVD. That is jackbooting folks people and I for one think that it is low and despicable to attack someone because of what they support. The very fact that someone has decided to jump into the HD format arena by chosing one side or the other should be celebated not chided for their selection. They should be allowed to enjoy what these formats are bring us -- high definition video and audio.

Fun is fun, taking things to a personal level is something else. And if you think that I take things personally, at times I do. However, I will not be bullied off of this site no matter what anyone says about me. But I have seen plenty of individuals who have been turned off by the personal and continuous attacks on individuals who support a stupid format over the other.

One format needs to survive for HD movies on a disc to survive. The other format needs to go away. Either all of us have purchased door stops or only half of us have. I prefer the only half of us. I can and always will buy a new player. If it ends up HD-DVD the it ends up HD-DVD. If it ends up Blu-Ray then it ends up Blu-Ray. Trying to poison conversation and debate is not the way to go about informing new folks to this site and is turning folks off of our debate on the merits of each format.
Fun is fun, taking things to a personal level is something else. And if you think that I take things personally, at times I do. However, I will not be bullied off of this site no matter what anyone says about me.
Good, I enjoy you're perspective (even though you're wrong!). :)

Maybe they shouldn't have named this area "The War Zone". :rolleyes:
I know what a shill is. I know who Amir is/was. I said AVS had degenerated into a Microsoft shill by hosting/promoting/coddling the spokespeople. I'm all for allowing an open forum...but it got pretty slanted in there for my tastes, a big bully PR pulpit.

Which is the definition of NON-objective.

And, again, to correct the mis-statement...Bill Hunt made an open letter on his taking a side and why (he did the same thing when he took a stand against Divx back in the early DVD days). That's NOT underhanded, that's honest. He has offered no pretense on staying neutral now, but does not pretend to provide a forum like the AVS folk or a magazine like 'Widescreen Review' and claim THEY are neutral, meanwhile offering themselves/their medium as a platform for sponsor/crony propaganda. Bill is an editorialist and is very up front about it...what DON'T you understand here, guys?
Double hogwash. AVs is impartial.If you post anti BD in the BD forums your posts are deleted and you are warned. Apparently you do NOT know what a shill site is. Just go over to and make neutral posts and you will be BANNED!:rolleyes:

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