TV Shows You Would Like To See In The HD Format

That's an easy one...and one that SHOULD see the light of day as they've just had restoration/HD transfers done for the recent DVD release:

Twin Peaks.
Any show that was shot and broadcast in HD. Too many to name....GilmoreG, V Mars, Medium, L&O, Grey's, B Legal, CSI, Men in Trees, etc,etc, etc
I don't need HD, but would like a 'very good picture and sound' presentation, while fitting as many episodes on a single disc as possible. It's TV, not movies, each episode doesn't need to be the epitome of a perfect presentation... i'll settle for 'badass' and few disc changes.
The Wire
The Tudors
And all the titles that were mentioned above.
Hey Freddy, I'd love to see the Chuck Norris round house kick on HD :)

Warner tells BD "NO" again

Is it the $300 that makes you "one sided"?

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