Which HD Cinema Movies have you seen?Would you like to post your review of the movie?

Madman - 2 stars: This is barely tolerable and interesting if you're into slasher movies, hence the two stars. If you're into good movies, this is certainly one to avoid. IMO this is cheap Friday the 13th knock-off. In a nutshell, the leader of a summer youth camp is sharing a scarey story with his youth counsellors and guests while sitting around a roaring campfire. He tells the story of the man who used to live in the old dilapidated house just behind the trees. As the story goes...he was a farmer with a family, wife and two children. He was an evil man, ugly and mean, he beat his wife and brutally punished his children. He would drink at the tavern and fight all the time. He once had a piece of his nose bitten off in a brawl and didn't feel a thing. Then one night, for no apparent reason, the farmer went stark raving mad. He went into his bedroom and with an axe he chopped his sleeping wife into little pieces. Then with his bloodlust awakened, he walked down the hall and repeated this act...slaughtering his his son and daughter. Then he calmly walked to the tavern, lifted the bloody axe on the bar, and order himself a beer. Well it wasn't long before the town found out what happened and when it did it was all over for the mad farmer. Ten men jumped him and dragged him screaming to the nearest tree where they placed a rope around his neck and hoisted him high into the air. One of the townsmen grabbed the bloody axe and swung and the farmer leaving a gash on the side of his face. They left him there hanging for dead. Next morning when they went to cut him down, he was gone. It was then they noticed the bodies of his wife and children were missing and their bodies have never been found.

On certain nights when the moon is full, he's out there stalking the woods. Searching for people so he can chop their heads off with an axe or hang them from a tree. It is said, if you say his name above a whisper in the woods he will hear you because he can be anywhere, anytime. And if he hears you call his name, he will come for you. And if he comes for you, he'll get you...one by one, he'll get you. His name is Madman Marz. On cue, one of the young punk campers calls for Mad Man Marz to come and get them and heaves a rock through a window of the old house. Needless to say, the teens are slaughtered...one by one.

Dumbest Line: "Marz...he's real."

Stupidest Song: "Lord of the campfire telling of his horror, lost in the woods with the madman in the stars. Don't laugh at the tales, heed if you call him, the legend is beware the Madman Marz. The legend is beware the Madman Marz."

This was a great movie...if you lived on Marz. (pun intended) :haha
The Dead Zone 3.5 stars. I have seen this movie before and liked it. Seeing in HD now it is a nice treat. For some reason the first part of the movie did not look great but after Johnny was out of the hospital the HD trasnfer looke very respectable. There are some comparisons to be made with the USA Series which is based on this movie with Anthony Michael Hall who plays Johnny. Sarah in the series is married to the Sheriff and Johnny is a millionaire through his foundation. This movie presents a nice scenario about outcomes of probabilities. If could change the outcome of history, would you make the ultimate sacrifice to change it. There's so much in our human history that looking back we could have said "only if I knew then what I know now". Only watched the first Season of the Dead Zone on USA but it was quite a good series. I do not know what season it is now or if it still showing but someone should take that Series and transfer it to HD.
Abandon Ship! - 2.5 stars: A 1957 shipwreck movie. Big ol' ship goes down and a slew of passengers take refuge in a lifeboat. Too many people for the boat and supplies to support. One man becomes captain and decides the thing to do is to toss the weak overboard. Hilarity ensues. Just kidding about the hilarity. It actually raises some interesting questions, and tries to throw in a surprise or two. Not a great movie, but if you're laying around the house sick as a dog and too tired to move, it's not a terrible way to kill a couple hours.
The Abominable Dr. Phibes 3.0 stars. Another Vincent Price classic. Here is a Dr who likes to take revenge on his wife's death. He uses 10 curses to kill 10 people and uses some ingenuity doing it. Some of the video effects you can appreciate and clearly you see, for example, the nylon on the bats. Nice movie.
Rawhead Rex 3.5 stars. Not bad for a horror/monster film. It makes jump a couple of times and the story is good. Don't want to spoil it for anyone so watch it.
It Runs in the Family 3.5 stars. Charles Grodin is in this one. A funny movie with a nice family story. Nice movie for the family about a boy Ralphie recounting a summer story with his family.
Ugh!!! Voom Movie Rereview...

Well, I once again checked the PG and once again I realized that I have either seen the programming on the VOOM movie channels or they just didn't interest me. Well, since there is once again nothing new to watch, I thought I would repost three movies that I have seen before (this is becoming all too typical)
riffjim4069 05-30-2005 said:
Every Time We Say Goodbye - 3 stars; two and one-half from me and three and one-half from the missus. A true love relationship blossoms between an American (Tom Hanks) serving in the British Army (1942) and a young Jewish girl (Cristina Marsillach). The couple meet in Jerusalem while Hanks is recuperating from an injury. The antagonist in this film is the girls strong family and religious beliefs that work to drive the two apart. IMO, the story is a little weak, at times, but this is a good movie that is well acted. Does the goy get the girl or does the goy wind up looking like a shmo? It is certainly worth a couple hours and a box of popcorn...so tune in and find out.
riffjim4069 02-09-2005 said:
Man Friday - 2.5 stars: A little different take on Robinson Crusoe. Peter O'Toole plays Crusoe, whose sanity is questionable, but who is always enjoyable, if not comical, with occasional over-the-top acting. Richard Roundtree also does a good job, but his character's excessive morality is unbelievable, at best. Some of the singing performances were accidentally quite funny. To sum it up: an interest twist on Crusoe - acting was pretty good - some of the over-the-top acting and singing was accidentally quite funny - unexpected ending.

"The tribe changes as the tree changes."
riffjim4069 03-27-2005 said:
King David - 3.0 stars: Richard Gere does a good job portraying David and the movie closely follows the Old Testiment - no surprises here. The two problems I had with this film is the story is so much larger than the 2 hours of screen time devoted to it - and why is VOOM showing this on GuyTV? :confused: The film was OAR, 2.35:1, and PQ was pretty good.
Fail Safe 3.5 stars. This is a B&W movie that has tremendous implications about how humans may end up killing each other. Granted that it had more meaning before the fall of communism in the Soviet Union but it still a nice picture to think about what everyone experienced during the "cold war". Great cast of actors like Mr. Henry Fonda, . I do not want to spoil the ending but it is a good one.
Maybe you guys should do what I do and take off from TV for the summer, then everything looks brand new again. I turned on my PJ for the first time in about 6 weeks just because Seattle was playing Dallas tonight.
Best Defense 2.5 stars. Dudley Moore, Eddie Murphy among others are in this one. This one movie that I never saw. It had its moments but not the greatest. Talk about Iraq/Kuwait conflict despicted on this one. That was kind of intriguing. Anyway, there are some very funny moments.
Piranha - 3 stars: Cheesy Jaws-era flick, but still entertaining! A group of experimental military grade Piranha are accidentally released into the wild and feast on the summer vacation crowd: swimmers, divers, boaters, etc. - they eat 'em young & old. To quote a reporter in the movie: "Lost River Lake...terror...horror...film at eleven." PQ was pretty good at times, but grainy and blurry every now and then; very inconsistent.
Piranha II - The Spawning - 1 tarnished star: This movie was so bad it was almost good...but not quite! In the first episode, we left those whacky bunch of military grade Piranha on their way out to sea, narrowly escaping a poisonous death. In typical sequel fashion, these demons of the sea have a voracious appetite and find plenty of tasty morsels off an island beach resort. What's new is this episode is one of the most unbelievable leaps of evolution you can imagine; get this...these experimental fish can now fly. Now, I've heard that Pig can Fly and I have even heard of a Fish Fry, but Flying Fish? My Eye!

Once again in true rip-off fashion, there are several underwater scenes that are reminiscent of Jaw 2 and, tossed in for your viewing pleasure, there is an alien-like scene where a flying fish pops out of a victims innards and attacks yet another victim. I was going to rate this movie 0.5 stars and call it Piranha II - The Yawning, but some topless beach girls and a number of cheesy lines like, "Do you dive on your first date?" kept it from being a zero. Again, this movie was so bad...it was almost accidentally good. Perhaps if I had been drinking heavily? Ugh, I am really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here! VOOM, we need some new movies...
RAN 3.0 stars very good movie and at the same time very long. A Japanese King decides to retire and divide his Kingdom among his three sons. What a mistake he made.... Sounds familiar. You probably read this one. I will not go further... :D
Wing Chun - 2 stars: Well, I guess it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen. But it certainly wasn't good. The acting was pretty awful. The romances weren't very romantic and the comedy wasn't very funny. But the Kung Fu was pretty Kung Fuey -- well choreographed and exciting, if less than believable. The two stars are strictly for the fight scenes.
Cinema Paradiso 5.0 stars Wow what a movie!!!! This Oscar winner best foreign film in 1988 is one not to be missed. I recorded this on my DVR and today I had the opportunity to sit down and watched the entire 3 hrs movie. The story, acting and cinematography of this movie is excellent. In the beginning it may look like a bad movie but as the story develops it starts making more sense. There are so much stories linked together in this movie that you could say it is only the work of a brilliant director. I will not give it all up but you need to sit down and watch the story of the soldier courting the future bride, the story of the censored film clips, the story of a loved that was never meant to be but remained in the hearts, the story of a town that went through changes as time was passing by, the story of child whose admired and loved the movies and became a famous movie maker, the story of a family who struggle and survived. So much and yet so beautifully linked together. Majestic HD is presenting this and wait until it airs again because it is a beauty.
Hellraiser 4.0 "What's your pleasure, son?", "We have such sights to show you". This movie is excellent. The story is original and the special effects are of high quality. Even in HD the especial effect remained very real. All the flesh on Frank looked quite real and splendid. I am talking from a Monsters perspective fan. The second one is good to but that will have to wait. Great great movie. One thing was the box that appeared at the house was never explained how it got there because she had left it at the hospital. If I remember correctly in the second one Julia comes back but it is assume that she died in a mattress but she was stabbed by Frank on the stairs.

P.S. there was lipsync problem...
Waxwork - 2 stars: Man, is that stupid. I mean it really, truly sucks. Almost a new high (low?) in suckage. Of course, that doesn't stop it from being quite entertaining throughout -- don'cha just love that about monster movies? With the possible exception of comedies, this genre is the most likely to have a movie be so friggin' bad that it's good. Acting was godawful. Story was nonsense. Dialogue was laughable ( "I do what I want. Dig it, or @%&* off!", for example). And yet I keep watching. And keep being somewhat entertained -- if only in a head-shaking did-I-really-just-see-that kind of way. The sound was pretty good at least, quite surroundy. And the pq was darned good in spots. The audio-sync was way off -- like they didn't even try to line it up with the video. And it gets marked down for being a movie this bad yet having no nudity. Inexcusable. Overall? You could find worse ways to waste an hour and a half of your life that you'll never get back.

NNAB 2008: NBCU Tackles Digital Downconversion

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