would america have been SAFER with kerry?

with who would you be safer at this point? post 911

  • kerry as president

    Votes: 49 37.4%
  • bush as president

    Votes: 82 62.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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You forgot the 3rd possiblity: Or ... she had no idea what she was doing, can't think for herself, and is merely a sheep to be led by the nose by those whose intent is to bring this President down at any cost ..... hmmm, I believe the 3rd option is correct.

GaryPen said:
Perhaps she didn't feel like getting into an argument or debate with someone that she felt was caught up in a "war frenzy", who would rather be sitting in a song circle singing the Battle Hymn of The Republic. Political extremist stereotypes go both ways.

Or... you said "no", and she respected your wishes. Imagine that? Good manners. Respect. What will these peaceniks resort to next?!!!
Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret

Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret

Trained to live off nature's land
Trained in combat, hand-to-hand
Men who fight by night and day
Courage peak from the Green Berets

Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret

Back at home a young wife waits
Her Green Beret has met his fate
He has died for those oppressed
Leaving her his last request

Put silver wings on my son's chest
Make him one of America's best
He'll be a man they'll test one day
Have him win the Green Beret.

HEY GUYS. IMAGINE THAT, MEN WHO MEAN JUST WHAT THEY SAY!!!!!!! no polls, no kiss ass!!
So criticize the quagmire the soldiers of the United States are left in and it becomes cliche.

As blind as those liberals follow the democratic party you Bush backers follow your leader in the same way.

Leaving Iraq and pulling our troops isnt the answer. The vacuum left by our exodus would decimate the area and further the hatred towards Americans.

I would like us commit additional resources and additional support to out troops who are there. I say to hell with popularity ratings. Lets stop tip toeing around while men die. Lets finish the job.

my opinion is just one guys, but it is still relevant.

what is the worse city in iraq? falluja?? here is what i would do, have the troops drop leaflets, "we are leaving , in 24 hours we are going to bomb this place FARTHER back into the stone age.". we will not bomb IF you hand over the people we want.

24.5 hours later , after ringing the town with armor, CARPET BOMB FROM THE SKY! move on to the next town, and so on and so on, it only took two nukes into japan, THEY GOT THE HINT!
While after 9-11 I am not as concerned with "collateral damage" as I was before 9-11 I dont think Id go with the lets turn the middle east into one big parking lot philosophy.

Course we could send in our Catholic Priests and get the same results...Tell us what we want to know otherwise we are sending in father McFeely.
not funny, im catholic! all priests arent bad.

there was collateral damage in WW2, lots of it!

start leveling the cities, break their wills, end it.

let the world know , hit us and we will unleash HELL on you!


and if it takes turning a million people into dust and a city into rubble (not barney) in a nuke hit, so be it, if it would save ONE brave american GI
dragon002 said:

my opinion is just one guys, but it is still relevant.

what is the worse city in iraq? falluja?? here is what i would do, have the troops drop leaflets, "we are leaving , in 24 hours we are going to bomb this place FARTHER back into the stone age.". we will not bomb IF you hand over the people we want.

24.5 hours later , after ringing the town with armor, CARPET BOMB FROM THE SKY! move on to the next town, and so on and so on, it only took two nukes into japan, THEY GOT THE HINT!
Actually, they got the hint after the first one. There was no need for the second, other than as a military scientific experiment.

They do make a helluva flat pamel TV though. And, a pretty good wife, if I do say so myself.

Personally, I'm proud that as Americans, the good guys, we know longer indescriminately bomb innocent civilians as part of our military campaigns against enemy governments. (Not intentionally anyway.) That's what makes us the good guys. We're here to prevent the bad guys from doing just that.
dragon002 said:
and if it takes turning a million people into dust and a city into rubble (not barney) in a nuke hit, so be it, if it would save ONE brave american GI
That's just fu**ed up dude. Innocent life is innocent life, regardless of nationality, regardless of religion, regardless of favorite color. No innocent life is worth more or less than another. That ain't liberal or conservative. That's just what's right.
GaryPen said:
Personally, I'm proud that as Americans, the good guys, we know longer indescriminately bomb innocent civilians as part of our military campaigns against enemy governments. (Not intentionally anyway.) That's what makes us the good guys. We're here to prevent the bad guys from doing just that.

Gotta go with Gary on that one. We have to draw a line to stay on the high road.
I was in State College yesterday visiting a client, you all know "Happy Valley" "Jopa Land", Penn State University Main. While driving around looking for a place to eat I saw spray painted on a garbage dumpster "Convict all the troops for murder." I realized then there is no hope for this cause..........it is sad really. There was a time......oh nevermind it's not worth my time.
BrianMis said:
I was in State College yesterday visiting a client, you all know "Happy Valley" "Jopa Land", Penn State University Main. While driving around looking for a place to eat I saw spray painted on a garbage dumpster "Convict all the troops for murder." I realized then there is no hope for this cause..........it is sad really. There was a time......oh nevermind it's not worth my time.

why would you let a couple of little pinko "students" graffitti get you down. hold your head high , brian!!
Thats not the students talking. That is the proffs spoonfeeding them from the democrats playbook.
dragon002 said:
not funny, im catholic! all priests arent bad.

there was collateral damage in WW2, lots of it!

start leveling the cities, break their wills, end it.

let the world know , hit us and we will unleash HELL on you!


and if it takes turning a million people into dust and a city into rubble (not barney) in a nuke hit, so be it, if it would save ONE brave american GI

Dragon is basicly correct here. You have to break their will and show we mean business-that is critical. The problem is they have satellite dishes too and can see all the weenies over here that want to cut and run and it gives them strength.
I must have stepped on a liberal nail and got infected. I finally see the light. Kerry would have been the better choice. Once in office he would have given a Purple Heart to each solider for each month served, no questions asked, just fill out the paperwork!

So after 3 months we would have no one left to fight so we could bring everyone home!!! then he could pose for pictures with Saddam on a downed American airplane for the next election. That would have been so awesome man!!!
Eric Goempel said:
Thats not the students talking. That is the proffs spoonfeeding them from the democrats playbook.

Right. Go to FrontPageMag.com and read some of the horror stories about so called "professors". It is really chilling.
You are right that leaving is not the answer. I would say that we have enough troops now though because we have the superior firepower and weapons. Let's hope the recent offensive they launched is a sign of things to come. This is what they need to do-take the fight to the enemy and neutralize the media by forcing them to report on what WE are doing.

boston area dtv said:
So criticize the quagmire the soldiers of the United States are left in and it becomes cliche.

As blind as those liberals follow the democratic party you Bush backers follow your leader in the same way.

Leaving Iraq and pulling our troops isnt the answer. The vacuum left by our exodus would decimate the area and further the hatred towards Americans.

I would like us commit additional resources and additional support to out troops who are there. I say to hell with popularity ratings. Lets stop tip toeing around while men die. Lets finish the job.
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