$200 conversation with Dish?


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Jul 12, 2007
I had called Dish the other day about exchanging one of my boxes. I wanted a 222 for the two tuners. Everything was worked out and then today got a call from the installer and he says dish called him and said not to put in the dual tuner. Well without getting into heavy detail I called back today and talk to another csr. I asked her to pull up the recording of the call and listen to see what was said. She say she could do it but it would cost ME $200. Anyone ever heard of this???
I had called Dish the other day about exchanging one of my boxes. I wanted a 222 for the two tuners. Everything was worked out and then today got a call from the installer and he says dish called him and said not to put in the dual tuner. Well without getting into heavy detail I called back today and talk to another csr. I asked her to pull up the recording of the call and listen to see what was said. She say she could do it but it would cost ME $200. Anyone ever heard of this???

Just trying to get you off the phone. Time for the good old CSR roulette. Call again and see what happens. BTW, polite but firm. The thing about pulling up the previous record was a red flag waved in their face.

I've been with DISH over 10 years now, and have heard it all. When I don't think I am getting a straight answer, I simply end the conversation and try again. As long as I don't lose it, I eventually get what I need or a good explanation as to why it isn't possible.
I had called Dish the other day about exchanging one of my boxes. I wanted a 222 for the two tuners. Everything was worked out and then today got a call from the installer and he says dish called him and said not to put in the dual tuner. Well without getting into heavy detail I called back today and talk to another csr. I asked her to pull up the recording of the call and listen to see what was said. She say she could do it but it would cost ME $200. Anyone ever heard of this???

I would have recorded the call on my end. Put the phone on speaker phone, and push record on your computer or tape recorder, and there you go! Now YOU can have proof of the call!
proof of the call and in many states proof of criminal activity on your part - since only random calls are recorded for quality monitoring purposes, odds are there is no recording of this on Dishnetwork's end either. As a guess it sounds like no prepayment of any kind was taken for the install (and we all know there are no free upgrades) and that may be why the install didn't take place
In many states it's ok to record a conversation as long as one party is aware of it.

If you're that one party...
proof of the call and in many states proof of criminal activity on your part - since only random calls are recorded for quality monitoring purposes, odds are there is no recording of this on Dishnetwork's end either. As a guess it sounds like no prepayment of any kind was taken for the install (and we all know there are no free upgrades) and that may be why the install didn't take place

The install was cancelled by me. I wanted the csr that I talked to today listen to the recording. I wanted her to hear for herself that I was flat out lied to by the other csr. She told me that ALL calls are recorded.
DISH doesn't strike me as the type of service that would record all calls, but then again... whatever the case, this sounds ridiculous. I would have kept calling back until I got what I wanted... gimme!!!
The install was cancelled by me. I wanted the csr that I talked to today listen to the recording. I wanted her to hear for herself that I was flat out lied to by the other csr. She told me that ALL calls are recorded.

If you canceled the install, then what's the problem? It sounds like the first CSR completed a work order, you decided against the installation while still on the phone, so the CSR canceled the work order. Then, the installation company received the work order and the cancelation at the same time and called you to verify what they were to do. Is this correct, or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
If you canceled the install, then what's the problem? It sounds like the first CSR completed a work order, you decided against the installation while still on the phone, so the CSR canceled the work order. Then, the installation company received the work order and the cancelation at the same time and called you to verify what they were to do. Is this correct, or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?

The install was suppose to be for a vip 222 not a 211. That is what my beef is about. There was no mention of a 211 when I talked to the first csr. The installer did not call. I had to call Dish to see what was up. After taking a half a day off.
CSRs will not have access to recordings of calls. Tell the people you speak to to put notes on your account detailing what was discussed, offered, and so on.
think about how many calls come in a day. i work as a tsr for dish, and an average day i take 90-120 calls in the tulsa cc, which employs 500 people. thats jsut our center, not counting the dozen more we have i the us, and as well as outsorced to india/philippines. do you think echostar would waste money setting up a recording system to store and track every call that comes in as well as be able to pull up that recording on demand? get real.
I would expect a CSR to give good, honest & accurate information and to make proper notes in an account and I would expect a company to have guidelines on what can or cannot happen, not have it depend on who you get on the phone, and their mood at the moment, which is what seems to happen with Dish.. luckily for me, I havnt had any issues at ALL in my 14 months with them, I dread the day that I do.
think about how many calls come in a day. i work as a tsr for dish, and an average day i take 90-120 calls in the tulsa cc, which employs 500 people. thats jsut our center, not counting the dozen more we have i the us, and as well as outsorced to india/philippines. do you think echostar would waste money setting up a recording system to store and track every call that comes in as well as be able to pull up that recording on demand? get real.

So you want me to feel sorry for you because of your job.:D I am just telling you what a csr told me.
i dont believe i left any implications anywhere in there for you to feel sorry for me. i love my job. i was just explaining that there is no system to retrieve phone recordings. chances are what happened was not even with either of the tsr's. even though i have not seen the original work order, i will assume it was a 222, as the 199 price (even third tier dishinit up dont pay that much for a 211), and the tech screwed up and only brought a 211. instead of taking the fall, he would rather just try to put it in, or tell you to call dish and sort it out and get the hell outta dodge while ur on hold waiting to get through. did you in fact see the work order from the tech and see that it said a 211 rec?
i dont believe i left any implications anywhere in there for you to feel sorry for me. i love my job. i was just explaining that there is no system to retrieve phone recordings. chances are what happened was not even with either of the tsr's. even though i have not seen the original work order, i will assume it was a 222, as the 199 price (even third tier dishinit up dont pay that much for a 211), and the tech screwed up and only brought a 211. instead of taking the fall, he would rather just try to put it in, or tell you to call dish and sort it out and get the hell outta dodge while ur on hold waiting to get through. did you in fact see the work order from the tech and see that it said a 211 rec?

The installer called the night before. He said he had a work order for a 211. I said no 211 was mention to the csr it was a 222.He said he would call to get it straight and would see me the next morning. He never showed or called. I called him back and he said dish would only do the 211. I cancelled the work order. The mistake was made with the csr. Not the installer. I do appreciatte the advise from all of you. I will from now on tell the csr to make notes when i do call. I just hope this does not happen to none of you.

722 recording longer than program

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