A FSM showed up to do an install and boy did I get an ear full....


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 13, 2013
Myrtle Beach, SC
Recently I had a Hopper and two Joeys installed at my home. When the Dish technician showed up he was very friendly and we conversed about many topics while he was at my home. During his visit I learned that he had been with Dish for about 1.5 years and that he was a FSM (Field Service Manager). I couldn't believe that a FSM was installing my equipment but of course he had an explanation... get ready for this. He told me (and I quote) "I got tired of dealing with all of the angry customers and the B.S. so I am installing and FSM'ing". I then asked him how he became a FSM so quickly if he had only been with the company 1.5 years. His reply to that was that he was made a FSM after two months.

I had my doubts about this guy actually being a FSM until his phone started calling and he showed me his FSM page on his IPad where he logged into other techs "tickets". He also showed me where it showed him being send to someones home for a FSM complaint.

But Wait... It gets better!!!

As our conversation continued he told me:

- That if a customer "talked down" to him or "made him angry" he would remove any equipment not already installed and leave. Dish didn't care!
- That as a FSM there was nothing he could or would do to resolve a customers complaint and that he has been told by Dish that if a customer doesn't like
it to send in the equipment along with any termination fee.
- That Dish support was horrible and that they should treat their customers better.

Remember that FSM complaint that he was dispatched to go to after my call? Well... while in my presence he was looking up where it was and made the comment that it was too far away and that he was not going to go!

I don't know if this guy was just having a bad day or what but WOW!!!! To say all of those things in front of a customer and to be a FSM at that! It makes me question how "helpful" a FSM can truly be?
It makes me question how "helpful" a FSM can truly be?
your one experience with a single person should not be used to represent all Dish employees, contractors, etc.

A FSM installed our hopper system near launch along with a tech who was new to the company and they were absolutely fantastic. They went the extra mile to do things properly and would take care of any problems that might show up. A year later, our system is still working just fine.
your one experience with a single person should not be used to represent all Dish employees, contractors, etc.

A FSM installed our hopper system near launch along with a tech who was new to the company and they were absolutely fantastic. They went the extra mile to do things properly and would take care of any problems that might show up. A year later, our system is still working just fine.

Yes, but the fact that a person with low people skills can become a FSM in such a short time is worrisome.
Yes, but the fact that a person with low people skills can become a FSM in such a short time is worrisome.
so you're worried about FSMs despite any consistent reports on this forum showing that there might even be an issue?

Anyone even reading this site is already far ahead of the curve in terms of getting help. It's the people who aren't reading this site who are most prone to getting abused by rogue employees.
Every company has employees like that. Sometimes it can be hard to find good labor and sometimes the employee is just under poor management.
My point was not to Bash Dish, its service, or employees as a whole but rather to let the readers of this forum know what I experienced during this install. The install was clean and done properly but the employees lack of professionalism reflected poorly on the overall job.
so you're worried about FSMs despite any consistent reports on this forum showing that there might even be an issue?

Anyone even reading this site is already far ahead of the curve in terms of getting help. It's the people who aren't reading this site who are most prone to getting abused by rogue employees.

Just because we know better, that doesn't mean that it's not worrisome. The vast majority of customers don't visit sites like this.

Every company has employees like that. Sometimes it can be hard to find good labor and sometimes the employee is just under poor management.

Of course you're right. I just feel bad for the people who depend upon an employee or company that doesn't care about the customer. No matter what industry it is.
The guy that did my initial 2H/2J install was a nice guy but he didn't hesitate to complain about Dish and the way they treat installers. Since this was when Hopper first came out, and Hopper has such insane install procedures, I let him slide as he was a nice guy and did a good job, but he was cursing and just generally pissed about doing the install. He did however address all of my questions and hell I started cursing too. It was like we were at a local bar, rofl! I was tempted to offer him a beer and a joint, to help him relax, tehehe. He wouldn't have been the first installer I offered it to, lol.

Anyhow I figure if he acts like that around everybody then he might lose his job. I tend to come across as the type of person that's pretty chill and lax about things, not stuck up and easily offended, so perhaps he could read that, lol.

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sry .. but every time they're referred to as FSM's,

Sounds like you just got a douchebag. I would not worry about it.

Its also poor form to air dirty laundry in front of the customer, regardless if its true.
Personally I never had problems with field tech from Dish or any other field tech actually(phone,internet,etc). Yes some come in very frustrated but all frustration seemed to always lead back to whomever dispatched them. For example my phone/DSL tech came and I had a written list as what was to be done as per the CSR. He read what was on his work order and it was no way near what was agreed upon with sales/CSR. He explained that before the company was bought out the old company allowed him to not leave until the customer was satisfied. He then told me now the new company policy is you do exactly what is on the workorder,nothing else.

With one Dish upgrade what the CSR told me and what the tech told me was 2 different things entirely. This evolved onto a phone call from the tech to either his dispatcher or a Dish FSR. I explained what was needed here and I was then informed it would not happen as the CSR promised. At that point with smoke pouring out my ears I said my choices seem to be either settle for what thet were going to do or possibly just drop Dish, her snitty response was we can cancel your Dish service right now. I took the 3rd option, I refused any upgrade and the FSR told the tech to leave and she would close the workorder. Mind you yes I was mad but I was not abusive nor did swear at any time. I apologized to the tech and he understood what I was looking for but as he said, he has to follow his workorder.

Last Dish upgrade, the one where Dish said they would upgrade HD subscribers equipment for free(emails,letters), that did not work as planned either. I explained that I had 4 receivers, I have only 2 HD TV''s and 2 SD TV's. I would need only 2 HD receivers replaced(512's). The CSR said that only the 2 receivers would be replaced and the receivers hooked to the SD TV's could stay as they are, so an easy hookup, wrong. Tech arrives and I explain what the CSR had told me(written down). He told me that it will not work, the SD receivers are not compatible with the HD setup. I was told that there was a 3 receiver lease limit so there was no way 4 receivers would be available. Now I'm in panic mode because if we end up with only 2 receivers it was going to cause family grief. Fortunately the tech had 3 receivers on the truck and said he could have the sons bedroom and den on the same receiver(622). Tech did install. Now the tech is ready to leave and he tells me he needs to take the 4 receivers back. Return to panic mode, the den 512 receiver is almost full of old black and white TCM movies. I asked if he could let me keep the receiver for a week and send it back after I get the movies off the receiver. He said to let him check the computer in his van, so we went out and he ran all the receivers #'s and I ended up being lucky that the 512 was one I had purchased from Dish. Thanked the tech. and he explained that CSR's usually don't have a clue what field tech can and cannot do.

So what does all this mean, at least to me. Usually I have terrible luck with CSR's. I find the majority of field techs/installers know their stuff and are willing to help but are restricted by what their workorders and CSR's say. Just throwing this out there for consideration.
My point was not to Bash Dish, its service, or employees as a whole but rather to let the readers of this forum know what I experienced during this install. The install was clean and done properly but the employees lack of professionalism reflected poorly on the overall job.

You're not telling us anything new nor shocking. Your experience is typical of any large company. I have had horrible experiences with major retailers and many reputable large companies, even Starbucks, who happen to hire that small percentage of pinheads. In every case, other employees or the company has set things right. Dish in no different.

I suspect the "just return the equipment and cancellation charges" attitude from Dish is for UNREASONABLE customer demands. You should know there are TONS of unreasonable customer demands. Dish aint gonna make any money from those idiots, so the decision to end a relationship is a good business one.

Also, you don't know about charge backs to retailers for all manor of customer dissatisfaction, especially a cancellation.

However, there are too many bad techs and contractors out there that I believe hurt Dish to the point of making a difference that Dish Corp should address. It is extremely difficult to control a large company, especially one that depends upon independent retailers and contractors. I hope you reported this individual rather than let others suffer his attitude.

While I have had problems with contractors, I always have very pleasant experiences with Dish Co. installers. They generally have a better attitude, are easier to talk to, don't try to steal your entitled equipment that comes with your upgrade, don't try to get more cash out of your at the time of install for parts and labor that are ALWAYS included in the upgrade price, do the best looking, proper work, and are generally pleased with their job, but know that it can be demanding at times. In fact, grateful to have the job. Dish installing really isn't for everybody, and I've got news for those poor crybabies who whine that Dish may not treat them well: it aint much better and even WORSE out there in both the blue collar and white collar working world. How do those ninnies think "take this job and shove it" was such a big hit before Dish existed, and no one really looks forward to going to work. What about the flight attendant who, finally, couldn't take it anymore and stole the beer and bailed the plane. No matter where you go there are problems. Welcome to the real adult world, children.

Although the name of the game is to take an angry customer and gain control and have things come to a pleasant outcome where the customer feels satisfied and the employee/company gets the sale (but certainly not by this installer's tactics), I will say that it is getting worse for the workers as businesses today aren't willing to stand behind their employees when customers are $#*@% monsters. Now, it seems the customer is always right to behave atrociously and scream and behave very badly, but it is the employee who will get the boot if they dare refuse service. Greed or "the man" just not seeing an employee as a human being. However, installers like OP experienced are people who never go far in life for the very reasons and attitudes they shared with the OP. They will always end up with jobs they hate because they don't have the right attitude or motivation to truly improve their lives. Forever bitter and unhappy they will be.
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