Why Do So Many Not Show their Locations?

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If you are so concerned about folks knowing your location, more members should turn off or strip the location stamping on your photo postings. :D

Many photos contain more information that you would suspect! Smart phone photos usually resolve down to less than 100 feet with location, elevation, date and time stamps and much more info.

I see no reason not to include at least the state and region if not the city in your profile (unless you are in a protected witness program). Signal reports and assistance requests are easier to process and it is nice to know who your neighbors are!
I think it's a 'need to know' basis. If I ask a question and the answer requires that I give my location, I'll give it. Until then, I'll keep my privacy as much as I can.
That said, google earth takes a photo about once a year. Last year's photo shows someone cleaning out the fire pit and shows the satellite dishes that sprang up (like mushrooms) the year before.
The idea that not giving a location is an indication of doing something illegal is like the officer who says 'you shouldn't mind being searched if you are not doing anything wrong.'
It may be my travel background. When on the road, one of the first questions even before names are exchanged is "Where ya from?". It seems to be in human nature to want to know where others call home. I suppose nowadays some may call it "social profiling"; it used to just be called being friendly.
General paranoia. :spy:
The internet, in general, is a toilet full of creeps. And this forum is not closed to the general public. Everything outside of the pub is wide open to anyone, anywhere.
You can't be too careful these days.
In the mid 80's I moved to a state where they used your SS # as the drivers lic. #. When they asked for mine I replied "I'll give you mine when you give me yours".
After a 20 minute go 'round' explaining to her how I could wreck her life in under an hour if I wanted to(and this is before the internet , just boards, text only. CPM and MSDOS) she gave me lic.# 999-99-9999
That state just moved away from SS#'s as DL lic# just a few yrs ago.
In the mid 80's I moved to a state where they used your SS # as the drivers lic. #. When they asked for mine I replied "I'll give you mine when you give me yours".
After a 20 minute go 'round' explaining to her how I could wreck her life in under an hour if I wanted to(and this is before the internet , just boards, text only. CPM and MSDOS) she gave me lic.# 999-99-9999
That state just moved away from SS#'s as DL lic# just a few yrs ago.

My original Social Security card (from the early 60's) had a notice printed on the back that it was a violation of federal law to require or to use your SS# as a form of ID.
About 20 years ago my purse was stolen and I had to get a replacement card. Of course they will never issue you a new number under ANY circumstances (unless you're in a witness protection program).
The replacement had a simpler statement on the front saying it was for SS use only, not for ID.

stock-photo-11461971-old-social-security-card.jpg Pretty much like this one. That was in the early 90's

Then again several years ago I simply lost the stupid thing and had to get another replacement. This one has nothing on it other than my name and SS# and a warning not to laminate it.

The new cards no longer have that "Not an ID" statement printed on them..

I never give that number to anyone for any reason. Back in the day when I joined BlockBuster they demanded my SS# as a condition of membership.
I protested and told them it was against the law to require it for ID and they told me I could take a hike. So I made up a fake number in my head and gave them that.
That's how I roll now. There is only one place that is going to ever get the real number from me and that's the bank. Everyone else can KMA...
It may be my travel background. When on the road, one of the first questions even before names are exchanged is "Where ya from?". It seems to be in human nature to want to know where others call home. I suppose nowadays some may call it "social profiling"; it used to just be called being friendly.
But when you tell that person "where ya from" you're just telling that person,when you tell the net, you're telling everybody and anybody. ;)
Well I have found an actual advantage to being forced to use HughesNet.

The internet (web sites, irc, anyone that sees my IP) can not find my location at all, geolocate sites either don't list the state or it says UNITED STATES, MARYLAND, GERMANTOWN.
But when you tell that person "where ya from" you're just telling that person,when you tell the net, you're telling everybody and anybody. ;)
With all that's been said in this thread, I still don't get what harm comes from showing: "I'm from Maine", "I'm from New York City" or similar especially when we're all using fake names and avatars/photos anyway. Except iceberg, but that's understandable. I don't care if one person is reading or the entire human race and space aliens too are enjoying satelliteguys.

Sample happy satelliteguys user profile:

"Chicken farm, Delaware"
I wish more members would post their location, especially when discussing a new signal find. I often move the dish, plug in a TP and SR just to find out I can't get it due to my Northern location. Would also make it easier to contact people you didn't know live near you. :)
I have no problem mentioning my city and state location.
Centerville (Cape Cod) Mass.
Love living here and don't mind bragging about it. :)
Was it Will Rogers who said "Never ask a man where he is from. If he's from Texas, he's bound to tell you and if he ain't, ya hate to embarrass him by pointin' it out."
In my travels, I just look for Motorized Ku dishes, or for BUD that are not pointed far west or north.
I know where you all live. :p
I am confused why so many members hide where they are located. It's not like anybody is doing anything illegal, are they? Is this a carryover from the old years when it actually was illegal to have a TVRO C-band system? Often, when a location is not known, this affects the quality of answer that we can give when questions are asked.

I guess it's a privacy thing. But, it seems like everyone is snooping on everyone so privacy is gone. We should just shut down the internet.
I gave up my ham call sign licence plates for the same reasons.


I think I'll stop getting ham plates myself. It's kinda cool to have them but I don't need to advertise (just like I don't wear my NRA T-shirt or cap anymore).
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