CSI Miami, what a load of crap!

Digital Dude

Home Theater Editor
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 9, 2005
Did anyone see tonight's load of BS they tried to feed us?

Whan they matched bullets on the .223 and got a match they said it was from a Ruger 10-22. WHF writes this stuff? The Ruger 10-22 is a .22 rimfire cartridge, NOT a .223 centerfire cartridge! I could go on about the 10-22 ejecting spent shells to the right just above a persons right hand but you get the gist.

I'm done with this trash!
It's one of those things that a large majority of people would not have a clue about...... including myself. However, you and my son could have some interesting discussions about guns and bullets etc and the mistakes that are made on a lot of tv shows.
You mean to tell me that a typical CSI doesn't just collect semen and blood samples from a crime scene...they are forensics experts in the lab, make wonderful assistants during an autopsy, often participate...no, make that lead a swat team into harms way, make outstanding homicide/vice/narcotics detectives, arrest their own suspects, experience daily gunplay and vehicular pursuits, frequency head multi-agency operations to include the FBI, ATF, CBP, ICE, etc., and occasionally participate in overseas foreign intelligence missions with the CIA?

Ok, I can believe all the above...however, the show loses all credibility when they attempt to portray the CSIs as being weapons experts too! :rolleyes:
Doesn't Ruger make a 10/22 WMR series (or something like that) rifle that uses centerfire ammo? Not sure just thought I had read they had a model. Maybe I just mis-read.
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The 10/22 WMR stands for 22 cal Winchester Magnum Rimfire.

The Ruger Mini-14 is chambered for the .223 Remington cartridge.
I didn't catch that one, but I have caught several before. Mostly the guy writing the script don't know what he is talking about. Or It is done on purpose to cunfuse the masses.
You mean to tell me that a typical CSI doesn't just collect semen and blood samples from a crime scene...they are forensics experts in the lab, make wonderful assistants during an autopsy, often participate...no, make that lead a swat team into harms way, make outstanding homicide/vice/narcotics detectives, arrest their own suspects, experience daily gunplay and vehicular pursuits, frequency head multi-agency operations to include the FBI, ATF, CBP, ICE, etc., and occasionally participate in overseas foreign intelligence missions with the CIA?

Ok, I can believe all the above...however, the show loses all credibility when they attempt to portray the CSIs as being weapons experts too! :rolleyes:

ohhhh I love this post!

Thats exactly why I hate this show.
Almost every show of this type makes mistakes like this that most ordinary people aren't going to catch. On Numb3rs, they have made mistakes involving examples of prime numbers. On 24, a secret service agent referred to the First Lady as the First Lady when talking on a radio (he would've used a code name.) On Prison Break, a bunch of New Mexico cars were shown with license plates on the front of the cars, but New Mexico only issues one plate.

They all screw up sooner or later. It's tv.
CSI: Miami is better when you view it as a comedy.

Or as an episode of the Tick cartoon. "Stop villian! You are no match for my Sunglasses of Justice!"
Easy guys, this is a TV action show you are talking about. Can anyone say entertainment. This is not meant for education or even to be factual. That is why there are stations like the History Channel, TLC, etc.
Yes, CSI is fun, but that's all it is. No semblance to reality. Indeed, I was talking with a friend from the local PD today who worked twelve years in Las Vegas Metro PD; she was joking about CSI. You know the crime techs who collect data, analyze it (in minutes usually), solve the crime, and interrogate suspects. :rolleyes:
Yeah, if you call what Caruso does as "acting" then you are really expecting a lot out of this show. I watch it because there isn't much else on TV on Monday nights... Besides they are in Miami so you get to see a hottie once in a while... LOL.
The episode that did it in for me was when Horatio took the vehicle with the bomb attached to it and sped off to the beach where it detonated and walked away all calmly with the exploding vehicle as the backdrop. That had to be the cheesiest ending to CSI, or any show for that matter, and the effects were absolutely horrendous (especially in high-def):(
I stopped watching when they showeda Florida toll booth staaffed by three model type women in clingy tops and hot pants. It was that I did not enjoy it but realism went out the window.


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