Whats the best PS3 game?


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Jan 31, 2006
Im looking to buy a ps3 and I was wonderingwhat game i should get. I hear that Motostorm is pretty good. What do you guys think are the best games out ?
The best is NHL 2K7

Resistance is very good too.

Stay away from-
Madden (even if you liked it on ps2, this version is sluggish)
Call of Duty
i went looking to buy a ps3 but i played a couple of games in the stores and if you have to compare it to the ps2 i would save the money and go with the ps2. Unless you are wanting a good blu ray dvd player.

Ps2 games are just as good and fewer bugs than the ps3.
My top picks based on demo's I've played from PSN (and eventually bought):

1) Resistance: Fall of Man (own)
2) Motorstorm (own)
3) NBA07
4) Ninja Garden
(-NHL2K7 not available on PSN, but has got some good reviews.)
Obviously buzzdar doesn't own an HD TV. If you have an HD TV, than you need an HD gaming system and vice versa. Graphics are amazing, Motorstorm is sweet and Blu-Ray movies are impressive. If you don't own an HD TV, than stick with the PS2 needless to say.
599.99 for a gaming system that can play games NO better than one that only costs 129$$
599.99 for a gaming system that can play games NO better than one that only costs 129$$

the one thats 129 cant play HD games, and there a BIG difference between the two maybe you have it hooked up wrong. like using the composite red white yellow cable instead of the componet cables for hd to the ps3, because there is definately a difference in quality between ps2 and ps3.
Sony should drop the ps2, like microsoft drop the original xbox. Even nintendo drop the gamecube.

The ps2 still sells because, some consumer will wait to the product is damn near free before buying it.
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Sony should drop the ps2, like microsoft drop the original xbox. Even nintendo drop the gamecube.

The ps2 still sells because, some consumer will wait to the product is damn near free before buying it.

Not likely when its still outselling all the other consoles.
Sony should drop the ps2, like microsoft drop the original xbox. Even nintendo drop the gamecube.

The ps2 still sells because, some consumer will wait to the product is damn near free before buying it.
They can't because it would drive people to buy next gen consoles... where they aren't dominating like they'd wish they were. If they can ramp things up, get some good press, start posting some good numbers and a couple of system selling titles I'd then expect to start seeing the availability of the PS2 to become limited.

Until then, no point in trying to slow sales in something that is profitable when they're already fairly desperate for profits in that division in the first place.
Not likely when its still outselling all the other consoles.

To be more specific, none of the other companies(or Sony for that matter) stopped selling earlier consoles while they were still making money and had significant sales. At the moment the PS2 still outsells the other consoles.
Selling ps2 is not helping sony with the ps3.

It helps the bottom line at Sony. So it helps. When the PS2 first came out the same thing happened. For several years they sold more PS1's then PS2's. I still see PS1 at some stores.
Yes as a use console. Not a new one. ps1 is discontiued.

Also the ps2 was doing a whole lot better, than the ps3 is doing now at the same amount of time from released. I don't think a $129.00 console is filling the profit void of a $600.00 console. Sony is already lose money on each ps3 that was sold and ps3 sitting in store while ps2 sells isn't making matters better.

The whole idea is to bring in some kind of revenue on a new product you spent millions or billions to market and produce. Not to make a new product, to make your old product seem more desirable and sort after.

That's why microsoft drop the prodution on the original xbox and nintendo drop the gamecube. I bet there are a lot of people, for the price will still buy both of those discontinued consoles and say those old consoles are just as good as the higher priced console and very happy with there purchase.
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Yes as a use console. Not a new one. ps1 is discontiued.
The PS1 wasn't discontinued for a couple years after the PS2 came out. Sony even came out with a new model after the PS2 was out (the smaller version). People were even saying that the PS2 would flop because people were still buying the PS1.
Microsoft killed the XBOX because it was still losing money, might as well lose money on the newer version than old, so they killed the older.
Nintendo similarly killed the Gamecube because sales were nonexistant, it might have been profitable, but sales were nil.

PS2 (like PS1 before it) is stilling selling a lot and is very profitable. Sony won't kill it until sales drop down, same as what happened with PS1.

My PS3 is seriously injured

Calling All Cars - PS3 released

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