Apocalypto gets a goose egg

The writer is talking about the movie.....he does give a thumbs up on the blu-ray image though.
Did I say the PQ was bad? Did anyone? You know what I find interesting about this is how the author was attacked at AVS. If a movie sucks then it sucks, it doesnt matter how good you make a screen full of crap look, its still crap. Why cant people distinguish between PQ and plot or acting? One moron at AVS even said that all reviews should only include PQ, AQ and extras. :rolleyes:
I picked up the BD version last weekend because I had a coupon and a bunch of certificates, but I haven't had time to open it. Offhand, the PQ reviews are awesome (can't wait to rip it open) and the movie reviews at IMDB are quite favorable (7.8) too. My wife probably won't like it, but I should find it somewhat interesting...I hope.
Thats all vurbano wanted, to make argument about something. Had the movie been out on HDDVD, I bet he would have said nothing. I have not looked, but would not be surprised if releases on HDDVD got a 0 for overall movie as well.

I have heard, that Apocalypto was a pretty good movie from friends though. Keep in mind we are all 19-21 years old

Long time no see. Welcome back.

As for Apocalypto, it was visually impressive and sound was very good. As for the story itself, it was fair at best. Last Temptation was a far superior movie.

From the review:
I hated Apocalypto. I hated every minute of it. This is Mel Gibson at his most megalomaniacal and alienating. If someone offered to erase one of my memories, I would probably choose the memory of having seen this film.
And then there is this:
Few filmmakers today are making movies as good as Mel... The production design is incredible and the acting and pacing of the film are without flaw. Highly recommended.

There are not too many reviewers who's opinion I'd prefer to Kris'.

Thats all vurbano wanted, to make argument about something. Had the movie been out on HDDVD, I bet he would have said nothing. I have not looked, but would not be surprised if releases on HDDVD got a 0 for overall movie as well.

I have heard, that Apocalypto was a pretty good movie from friends though. Keep in mind we are all 19-21 years old
wrong. It has nothing to do with making an arguement. The reviewer should be praised for not falling into the trap of rating movies based on PQ alone. Aeon Flux is a case in point. On HDDVD it has the best PQ but it is one of the worse pieces of crap Ive ever watched. I would give it a zero as well.
I've always found highdefdigest to be better in terms of reviewing hd/bd discs:

Blu-ray Review: Apocalypto | High-Def Digest

Yep, that's where I go for a fair, unbiased & honest review.

Still, after reading their review I put Apocalypto in my Netflix Q. I'm leary of Mel Gibson after having suffered thru a viewing of The Passion of Christ, and I'm not big on films with a lot of violence. But, a friend popped his DVD version in his player for me and after a few minutes I had him stop it - this is one I want on blu-ray. :up

EDIT: Picked up a copy at Wal-Mart & watched it last night. Terrific movie, one of the best I've seen on Blu-ray. I think the reviewer just had it in for Mel Gibson. Mel does sound like a complete jerk, but I'm also sure he's not the only Hollywood Director that fits that description. :rolleyes:
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Yep, that's where I go for a fair, unbiased & honest review.

Still, after reading their review I put Apocalypto in my Netflix Q. I'm leary of Mel Gibson after having suffered thru a viewing of The Passion of Christ, and I'm not big on films with a lot of violence. But, a friend popped his DVD version in his player for me and after a few minutes I had him stop it - this is one I want on blu-ray. :up

EDIT: Picked up a copy at Wal-Mart & watched it last night. Terrific movie, one of the best I've seen on Blu-ray. I think the reviewer just had it in for Mel Gibson. Mel does sound like a complete jerk, but I'm also sure he's not the only Hollywood Director that fits that description. :rolleyes:

I hated Apocalypto for several reasons. First the story line was very predicatable and boring. Second it is historically inaccurate. The Mayans were not as much into human sacrifice as the Aztecs. Also they were great astronomers so an eclipse shouldn't have caused much awe. Also by the time the Europeans arrived the Mayans great cities were abandoned which is a great mystery as to why and what happened. Also how were Mayans dying of small pox before it was introduced by the Europeans. Lastly, I would like to have seen more of what the Mayan cities were like. Other than that I loved the movie. :)
My friend lend me his BR player this week and a bunch of BR DVDs. One of them was this movie - Apocalypto. I watched it last night and despite the reviews, I enjoyed the movie. The story maybe predictable but it was much better than other action movies I have seen in which in the opening scene tells it all. I found it fascinating all the angle shots and the colorful images of the jungle and the people. The story was good not perfect. I was expecting more but Gibson did a tremendous job in capturing such a story in putting it on the screen. I liked the story because it is a perspective of how the native of the "Americas" lived their lives. Maybe not as accurate as someone could tell but it is one story from many that there are in the history books. I do not think Mel try to convey a historical documentary in the story but a perspective about the Mayan and the onset of colonization of the Americas.

I can't say because I do not have an HD DVD player to compare the PQ but it was awesome on BR. I had it connected through a HDMI-DVI converter. I am still want to hold out until a dual cheap solution comes out or one format finally wins.
I speak some Yucatec Maya so it was cool to be able to understand what was being said - and the subtitles didn't always do the dialogue justice. It was a movie, so historical accuracy is never going to be right. It was predictable and violent but since the Mayan and Aztec written records are so far from complete we really don't have a good idea what it was like then, just theories.
Ive use highdefdigest also, good site.

Ive have Apocalypto coming this week via online rental. Ive heard the PQ is stunning and am looking forward to it.

More good news for BR- Denon

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