Recent content by longisland94

  1. longisland94

    Contest: Dr. HD Satellite Meters - Two Winners

    I want to win a Dr. HD Advanced Satellite Meter.
  2. longisland94

    4K Joey Netflix...........

    Correct me if I am wrong the Joey 4K is two year old box. Did it not win in CES 2015?
  3. longisland94

    Hopper 3 external drives have disappeared

    No it is the 2tb drive. The other one is the 1tb
  4. longisland94

    Hopper 3 external drives have disappeared

    Before update 331 the hopper 3 could see both of my external drives, now only one.
  5. longisland94

    4K Playback issue on Hopper 3

    Are you connecting by wifi or wired? If wired make sure you are not using a separate switch or hub. I had to remove a hub that was limiting the bandwidth.
  6. longisland94

    NASCAR 2016 season

    Bristol is back!! Multiple groves! Thank you for fixing the track. Looking forward to tonight's race.
  7. longisland94

    Major Hopper 3 bug - black screens no sound

    I have had the black screen of death. A few times since the latest update. Always seems to be after I watch the 4K channel on 146. Another strange thing is happening, If someone has tuned to a live big four network channel and that same channel is tuned too by another Joey, if that joeys...
  8. longisland94

    LG versus Samsung

    OLED is by far the best in my opinion. Worth the extra money.
  9. longisland94

    Hopper 3 / Netflix ui-113

    Try by passing your switch or using wireless to see if that helps. I had to remove my switch to get a consistent connection.
  10. longisland94

    Hopper 3 on 1080p? Mistified by Dish support call

    I would not spend the money for a Joey 4K. No benefit. Less features than the Joey 2.0. Some people say it is faster but I do not notice much of a difference between the 2.0 vs 4K. No Netflix on the 4K and Scott advised that pip would more than likely never be implemented. But dish does...
  11. longisland94

    Joey 4K PIP and Netflix

    I agree, Not happy having to pay more for less features. Is it faster than the Joey 2.0 yes but not by much. I was more than willing to pay the extra money for PIP. It would be like buying a truck that advertised four wheel drive and paying extra but the feature would not be available until...
  12. longisland94

    Joey4k and netflix???

    If PIP is not ever turned on and Netflix does not work on the 4K Joey. Why did dish charge us $50.00 dollars for a product that does less than a regular Joey 2.0? Not a noticeable difference in speed the only advantage of the 4K box is Bluetooth.