Recent content by Mitch Dickson

  1. M

    for basic or all purpose use, which meter sathero sh-200 or sathero sh-500g

    Here is your answer. Throw away the meter :) A meter is fine if your installing a dish on one bird. They would be useless for setting up a dish that tracks. Too many things to fine tune. Your better off running a drop cord and setting up at the dish where you can see what your doing. Roof...
  2. M

    Basic Linear Actuator questions

    Also, don't forget that on a C band dish you not only have azmeth and elevation, you also have "offset declination". I haven't see your dish, but if there is no way to set offset declination, it will not track the arc! Back when dishes first came out, there was Satcom 3 and Galaxy 1, then when...
  3. M

    C-Band pole setup

    The reason for going below the frost line is that the freeze and thaw will act just like a hydraulic jack and lift the thing out of the ground making it loose. Got to have the walls of the hole vertical or an inverted "V" below the frost line. If the hole is wider at the top than the bottom...
  4. M

    Pre amp with two inputs/best way combind two antennas?

    Lowe's sells a rotator for less than 70 bucks. Best to use one antenna and reposition it that try to hook up two antennas pointing in different directions. Understand that digital signals are not like analog although they both take up about 7mhz bandwidth. Digital signals have 7 holes or...
  5. M

    Your best OTA antenna design?

    I build custom antennas. For close to transmitters anything will do. But for the fringe you got to have something good. I am a retired broadcast engineer and helped install 3 of the digital transmitters in our market. My ham call is AE4YW. For VHF a custom "cut" antenna is the best. I...