Recent content by Mr Busdriver

  1. M

    BUD for FTA Questions?

    I hadn't thought about checking to see if the dishes are warped, thanks drhydro for the tip! It turned out that my friend has 3 dishes, all 10' mesh and all of them are in good shape and seem to have a small enough mesh to work for my application. I was unable to fit more then the point of a...
  2. M

    BUD for FTA Questions?

    Thanks for the replies! I know that both dishes are on the ground, unsure whether or not the mount is still attached to either dish. I will go this weekend to look at everything. My plan is to get the dish set up this spring. (I have to wait until the frost is out of the ground!) I would like...
  3. M

    BUD for FTA Questions?

    I would like to use a "bud" to view FTA programing. I have a co-worker that will give me 2 complete mesh 9' dish set ups if I take everything he has. I'm wondering what things I should be looking at when I go to inspect what he has as far as the size of the mesh? I also am curious as to what...