Recent content by Mshepherd2503

  1. M

    Switching TV1 and TV2

    We do have a dvr currently. We ended up getting the hopper w/ sling and 2 joeys. I can’t imagine I will ever need to record 16 shows at the exact same time ever.
  2. M

    Switching TV1 and TV2

    what do I say or ask to ensure that is done?
  3. M

    Switching TV1 and TV2

    Dish is coming tomorrow to swap my receiver out for something better. Should expect one receiver or will there be multiple to get HD on all three TVs?
  4. M

    Switching TV1 and TV2

    It is Vip722. We have had it forever.
  5. M

    Switching TV1 and TV2

    Currently my receiver is downstairs connected to tv1. My new tv is upstairs but looks awful because it’s just coax. How can I switch them around? Is it an easy fix?