Recent content by Parisnights

  1. Parisnights

    Muffin fan & VIP222K

    tnx for pgup & dwn tip I would have never guessed to use pg-up and pg-dwn but that worked and gave me 10 screens of diagnostic mumbo jumbo none of which addressed temp. Temp doesn't seem to be an issue but I have all these great little muffin fans. Maybe I'll throw together a hover craft:o)
  2. Parisnights

    Muffin fan & VIP222K

    VIP222K and la fan Due to a very well vented case extra cooling is probably not warranted. However I did cut the fan voltage to slow it down a bit and flipped it to suck air out. Comment regarding dirt was rite-on. It appears the 222K diagnostics are different since there is no way to look...
  3. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    Yeah, maybe your right. Anyone stupid enough not to read a 400kb contract, but chooses instead to believe and trust what those unethical Dish agents tell them, OR, not tell them, must be a fool. I bet you read and understood the entire 400kb lock, stock and barrel and then signed your rights...
  4. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    I think not. Oh, so because I didn't read over 400KB of legalese the agent gets a free ride on not being honest. Where did you learn business ethics?
  5. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    Come on guys, give it a break. You really think someone has to be an English grammar expert to be a satellite dish installer!?!?
  6. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    All concerned were well aware of my feelings regarding attachment to my phone and computer lines yet NEVER said a word about how this could lead to problems had I wished to expand in the future. I have to wonder how truthful they would have been if I had bought into a Cadillac system!
  7. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    WOW! what a classy T-shirt! You wear that when you take your lady out:o)
  8. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    I have no interest whatsoever in ripping off DN, DVR's, or HD, just give me a P5 picture on 2 TV's and I'm happy as a pig in you know what. Unfortunately most americans need to be more paranoid.
  9. Parisnights

    Tell me it "aint" so.

    I've just finished reading an OLD thread which nonetheless has raised my blood pressure. Hopefully these NAZI tactics have been dropped by now. I probably read more than most before I signed that 2yr joke called a contract last week. I never came across anything regarding this audit...
  10. Parisnights

    Muffin fan & VIP222K

    yes but... the cooler ambient air being forced down by the fan will overcome the naturally rising heat from the components. I just wish that temp reading diagnostic option would work for me.
  11. Parisnights

    Muffin fan & VIP222K

    Is this a reasonable use for a muffin fan? It is blowing down into the receiver over the hottest area. I also read somewhere here about temp info being supplied in the diagnostics menu but as far as I can tell it's not available in my 222K. Thanks
  12. Parisnights

    Hello from the Phillyburbs

    Gee, it really works! and... ... thanks for the welcome. System up and running 2 days now. The installer was a cool guy, to bad he had another install to do because I could have bent his ear for 3 more hours. Dish is more sensitive to movement than I had thought, probably due to looking at 3...
  13. Parisnights

    Hello from the Phillyburbs

    I've been reading the forum the last few days and it is a wealth of information. I will have my first experience with Sat. TV very soon and with that 2 yr. contract I sure hope its a good one. First year not so bad pricewise, 2nd year is cutting it close. Like many I'm on a tight budget and...