Recent content by wnpublic

  1. W

    How's that PVR coming along?

    Trolls should stay under their bridge
  2. W

    About that Olympics commercial - even Sony is bummed! "We supplied all of the high-def equipment NBC is using for the games," Stringer said. "Then it turned out that NBC was unable to sell any ads on their HDTV channel. So somebody thought it would be a nice way of saying 'thank...
  3. W

    Olympics Will be the Death of me and VOOM

    Um, that's not true. Dish and DirecTV viewers are in the same boat. I don't know how many more ways it can be said: blame NBC not VOOM. vurbano tried to tell you, perhaps a little bit harshly, the facts. Simply stating that you don't care about the facts, you're just mad, isn't really a...
  4. W

    That's it! See ya! (Wouldn't want to be ya!)

    Can we get a new sticky thread titled "Egomaniacs who think it's a public event that they're cancelling the service - post here?" Sooo tired of these posts. Of course, I was tired of the whining that inevitably precedes them too. buh-bye. By the way: I'm going to poop after I finish my...
  5. W

    If you don't like what VOOM provides, why are you still whinning about it?

    I'm not getting anything for free from VOOM, but I sure am tired of the whining on this forum. When I don't like what I'm getting from VOOM, I'll cancel and move on; simple as that. I don't understand the need to complain endlessly without cancelling, nor do I understand the need to...
  6. W

    Its July 1, 2004 and no software.

    None of the above. Can't believe how worked up some people get - 'VOOM LIED", etc. sheesh.
  7. W

    Canceling Voom

    Cancel or don't cancel, but I'm so tired of people treating their decision like it's a momentous public event worthy of an announcement in a forum dedicated to people who are subscribing to Voom.. It's like announcing a decision to take a dump. Don't announce it - just do it and move on...
  8. W

    Eventually Voom will have to be FREE!!

    I guess I disagree. That's not what I considered in getting VOOM. I got it because it offered things no other provider did. I hope VOOM continues to bet on content, not deals.