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    Just Got Time Warner...Need Some Help...

    If you just got it, TW should service it.
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    All TWC HD DVR boxes have had problems

    Great receiver for me also! :)
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    BBC America HD Deal w/ Time Warner

    NYC today. Palm Springs 2050.
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    My Current Feelings on Verizon FiOS

    My feelings about FIOS, from a non subscriber. They put the cables in our street three years ago. I waited with baited breath for TV service to become available; but nothing except phone and internet. Then they sent me a flyer announcing TV service and to contact the local store. Where I...
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    switching from Direct TV to twc--los angeles

    Not in LA; but have TWC and Dish in Palm Desert. Tell TWC you want an 8300 DVR, not an old 8000. I have no complaints with TWC about PQ, DVR, or service. My only complaint is their not adding any new HD channels! EVER!!!
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    TV on PC?

    "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." That's what I thought. Not many details, including price. Just a general claim of hundreds of stations. It also said it could be connected to your TV. Now that's really hard to believe. :rolleyes: I did ask if it would work with my...
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    TV on PC?

    I recently received a e-mail ad about watching TV on your PC. It supposedly would give access to hundreds a tv stations. Anyone know anything about this?
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    Verizon costumer service?

    I called the # in their newspaper ad. 888-282-5091
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    Verizon costumer service?

    A couple weeks ago, Verizon mailed me an advertizement, announcing TV service. After driving to the Verizon store, that they specified, I discovered no such service was available! This moring Verizon had an ad in the local paper, for their TV service. So I called their number. After over...
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    How Long After the Cable is Buried?

    riffjim4069, sorry I didn't mention location. Palm Desert, Ca., where state has approved state wide authorization.
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    How Long After the Cable is Buried?

    The cable has been in our street for at least two years! Phone and internet service; but no TV.
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    California Statewide franchise status. Decision by Aug 31

    Yesterday I asked the guys with the Verizon truck if they knew when. They said, "At least by March". "Maybe sooner". What ever that is worth. :rolleyes:
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    California Statewide franchise status. Decision by Aug 31

    In today's paper. The Govenator just signed it. Now hopefully, we will get it soon!
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    Verizon Celebrates FiOS TV's First Anniversary: More National HD Coming in 2006

    Still waiting, although they installed their cables about a year ago.
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    which nj towns will get fios first?

    They put in those orange cables about six months ago. Only service they offer here is internet. :mad:
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    Calif. FiOS?

    Awhile back there was a report of part of the legislature passing a state wide approval for Verizon FiOS. Anyone know if this got final approval? The cables are installed here; but they only offer the internet connection. Anxiously waiting!
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    FIOS launch becoming irritating

    They don't control it. "IF" verzion wanted to provide the service, they could. But apparently they don't. Talked to a CSR and she knew nothing!
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    FIOS launch becoming irritating

    You guys are up set? Verizon has installed the cables and is advertizing internet service; but my Home Owners Assoc. Says they can bid on TV srvice, when the current contract expires, In TWO YEARS!
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    S. California FIOS TV?

    Anyone in S. California getting FIOS TV? I called Verizon yesterday and was told phone and internet service was aviable here (in Palm Desert); but the CSR had no info, on when TV service would become aviable.
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    Major SatelliteGuys FIOS Rumor!

    I read one article, that said FIOS will not carry local channels. Any truth, or just more media "facts"? What are they actually doing in Texas?
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    Major SatelliteGuys FIOS Rumor!

    Fiber optic cable has been installed. When will service start?
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    Finally! UniversalHD for TWC in Raleigh, NC!

    It surprises me that signed contracts are not for system wide service. Have TWC, in Palm Desert. Ca. No Unilversal Tv here. Of course, they have been working on the system, the last two nights. So perhaps more HD is coming, to compete with Verzion, which has been laying their fiber optic...
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    Finally! UniversalHD for TWC in Raleigh, NC!

    Why would TMC have Universal HD it one location amd not onother?
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    Poll: Since VoOm is Alive, How many people wil switch to them?

    Will consider it, when (or if) they get a PVR.