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  1. T

    Call from V* about E*

    I just got a recorded call from Voom telling me that they have made arrangements with E* to switch service over to them and were telling me to call E* now to get some special offer. I left E* to go to Voom and am not going back. I have already made the switch to Cox Digital Cable in my area...
  2. T

    Thank you from Voom CSR's for being so professional and pleasant. I never had to call much, but when I did I always had a pleasant experience. After dealing with E* CSRs calling Voom was a breath of fresh air. Thanks to all the CSRs at Voom. I wish you good luck for the future. May it be sucessful and...
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    FCC Docket 05-72: Public Comments against sale/transfer of VOOM Licenses

    Here is my confirmation number as well: 2005324074367 I hope it works out for Voom (and us)!
  4. T

    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    Did it occur to anybody that the deliberations might run into tomorrow (perish the thought!)? They might just adjourn until tomorrow with no decision.....I don't know how much more of this I can can only put one's life on hold for so long....
  5. T

    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    CNBC and MSNBC are back now...but they did have some major difficulties with their satellite transmissions. Don't think I missed anything. <big sigh!!!>
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    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    I just noticed that CNBC and MSNBC have gone dark. Scared the crap out of me until I realized that all the other Voom channels seem to be working ok. I was only watching CNBC to see if any news was forthcoming about Voom......Ah well, we will have to find another source.
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    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    Scott, I have every faith in you to pull that one've had more than one coup in the past, and I won't underestimate your chances of pulling it off again...... GO SCOTT!!
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    DirecTV CEO leaving...could it be to head the New Voom

    Truqui, it's possible I guess, but not probable. I, for one, think it could be a good deal for Voom to have someone with that kind of experience at the helm. Who knows what Chuck will do if he gets control might be an interesting twist, though, don't you think?
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    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    How do you know that, Vurbano? I never knew what time the meeting was and still haven't heard. Do you know something we don't?
  10. T

    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    LOL!! Just you wait until tonite, and I imagine that this site will go through the roof with the number of posts, regardless of the outcome. Here's hoping that tonite is a celebration!!!!!!!
  11. T

    Monday's (3/7) Wall Street Journal Story

    Wow! I'm not sure what to think.....that last paragraph especially. I just dumped E* and now what the hell does he mean by combining assets. I hope Chuck wants to stop the sale and not sell everything to E*. E* will not give it's customers anything near what Voom currently represents and...
  12. T alive too

    Dan, the site has been up for a couple of days now. Don't read anything into it just yet. It has been discussed quite a bit in the threads but not as a separate thread unto itself. I can't remember just what threads were involved, but if you do a search you will probably find it. Thanks for...
  13. T

    DVR delay question...

    Andrew, I would imagine that what is happening with Voom right now has very little to do with the development of the DVR. What I understand is happening, is that they are still working on software and hardware compatibility. To be honest, as much as I would like to see one made available, I...
  14. T

    Monday - Bloody - Monday : Voom's D-Day in less than 48 hours

    Sean, that's funny and appropriate, however, shouldn't that be "showdown" and not "shutdown". I hope.......
  15. T!!

    Thank you, Sean. I, too, have been having trouble finding meaningful content. I hope this helps. Thanks again.
  16. T

    Is Mr Dolan Sr. trying to pull a fast one?

    The numbers were 46,xxx including 5,1xx waiting to be installed. The 5,100 or so are included in the 46,000 total figure.
  17. T!!

    Actually, it seems that CVC has rethought their strategy. They must keep the website up for their customers at least until they shut down, for contractual reasons and to at least seem to be catering to them. This probably has nothing to do with next Monday. However, I am willing to take it as...
  18. T

    March 7th........ The end????

    Check out, guys! It's baaaaaack........
  19. T!!

    Yep and I logged onto "my voom" and got into my account. Everything seems to be working and back to normal. Now the questions are.......why? long?
  20. T

    Need the Following information From Voom Subs

    I have 3 boxes: 1) 65" Mits - 1080i component and DVI (same picture quality for each, so component usually) 2) Computer - SVideo to TV card to dedicated 19" monitor. 3) 27" - SVideo switched through receiver. I have the computer set to letterbox HD images and they are very good to...
  21. T

    Dolans Strengthen Cablevision Board

    "remember those Cell tower(my word) licenses.too be found out later what that all about????" rang1995.....those licenses are for direct broadcast of television signals similar to cell phone transmissions. A STB would be used much like you have now but connected to a special antenna aimed...
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    Dolans Strengthen Cablevision Board

    I would doubt that there will be any lawsuits or, for that matter, trouble with the SEC. If you think about it, the new board members will probably will merely vote to allow Chuck to buy VOOM assets and liabilities like he wanted to do all along. As long as CVC is out from under the money...
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    new channels up? No.

    HBO Comedy and HBO Family have been online for quite a long time. They are not new channels in the lineup. But keep an eye out for new ones, because now that the new encoders are online, I expect to see new additions start soon, a few at a time throughout the month.
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    Dolans Strengthen Cablevision Board

    rang1995, this will do nothing for VOOM. This is the CVC board and VOOM will be privately owned. But hopefully, it will make the transition for VOOM to be sold to the Dolans move more smoothly and more quickly. I would postulate that this is what Chuck Dolan is trying to do here.