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  1. Radioguy41

    Real vMVPD US subscribers totals

    Then why even read this thread much less respond to it? All the OP did was post the latest numbers. He didn't create them. They are not of his making and yet people want to take him to task for the trend they emphasize as if it's his fault. The numbers are the numbers, you may not like what they...
  2. Radioguy41

    NFL Network Observation

    Since the NFL seems intent on killing the network it might all end up being a moot point. It appears no one over there knows exactly what is going on or why much less what the end goal may be. The only major upside I can see so far is that the big windbag Michael Irvin is off the air. Let's hope...
  3. Radioguy41

    Wally software update W573

    This one caught me by surprise. I was watching TV and a heavy rainstorm blew in with the accompanying rain fade message box only this time it was way different. It gave the usual lost signal message but instead of just offering going to the DVR as a viewing option this time it offered streaming...
  4. Radioguy41

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    I guess at this point there's no chance this thread will ever get back on topic which is the financial viability of Dish as a going concern. Some of you guys need to take your bickering to the pit. :rolleyes:
  5. Radioguy41

    NFL 2024-2025 Season

    Here's the question the NFL seems reluctant to ask of it's fans, would you rather watch any old NFL game or do you want to watch your NFL team? It seems to me that major sports streaming is never going to work to it's best advantage until the streaming package becomes team specific. If you are a...
  6. Radioguy41

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    Stereotypical response, age has nothing to do with it. Either you're up with technology or you're not, irregardless of your age. I've met a lot of young people who have no concept of how to program a timer much less connect wirelessly to their own wi-fi. By the way I'm 83 and I've been into...
  7. Radioguy41

    Oh boy...

    Aren't computers fun? It's threads like this that reaffirm my joy at having retired from the business. The only computers I have to be concerned about these days are the ones sitting on or under the counter (I keep 2 spares ready to plug & play should the need arise). Thanks for all your hard...
  8. Radioguy41

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    BK advs are annoying? How about: Colonial Penn Insurance Lume Deodorant (Get out of my face woman!) Plexaderm (Preparation H for your face) ALL of the various disease commercials that think they have to actually SHOW it Overlong commercials like John Walsh's or Generac All the PSA's put...
  9. Radioguy41

    AT&T Data Breach

    I think you missed the point on this one Bruce. His point is he goes thru all the "safety" procedures and it's all for nought because all they have to do is hack the server and get all the info anyway irregardless of how many authentication processes are in place for the user/customer. In other...
  10. Radioguy41

    FOR SALE Complete FTA setup

    Last gasp. I already started moving the metal stuff to the scrap metal pile but figured before I take the sawzall to it I'd make one last offer so here goes, $275 and haul it away. The list is at the top but here are some more pics. The big dish is 100% ready to lift off the pole. Back the truck...
  11. Radioguy41

    FOR SALE Complete FTA setup

    Well it happened again. This is the 3rd time in 3 different sale situations on this forum that the buyer has backed out or disappeared and as the saying goes, 3 strikes and you're out. My wife's car is now parked outside because the garage is full of gear in anticipation of a buyer coming this...
  12. Radioguy41

    NFL 2024-2025 Season

    Pickett blew it. He let his ego get the best of him. The story out of Pitt is he threw a tantrum when told they'd signed Wilson. In Pittsburgh: He's sitting behind a 1 year rental being given an opportunity to learn to become the starter again by next season. In Philadelphia: He's sitting...
  13. Radioguy41

    EchoStar Completes Nationwide Drive Test for Boost Wireless Network, Completing All 2023 FCC Commitments

    Seems to me this ought to open the door a bit wider for potential backers. After all the hand-wringing over the past year declaring Charlie would never hit the commitment marks for 2024 and yet here we are. Love him or not the one certainty is,,,, don't count Charlie out.
  14. Radioguy41

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    OK, I don't get remarks like this. Say what you want about him but he has been, as far as I can see, the only carrier who has busted his you know what to try and bring those sky rocketing costs under control and yet people constantly deride him for it like it was a bad thing. There are disputes...
  15. Radioguy41

    KYOU-TV Studio in Ottumwa, IA

    Love it when 3 year old threads pop up from the grave. :tombstone
  16. Radioguy41

    Is a cloud DVR better than a regular DVR?

    If you assume the rules are the same then a physical DVR has to be the better option. Why? Because the cloud DVR relies on the Internet, the physical DVR does not. It's that simple. If the Internet goes down I can still watch recorded content. Can't do that with the cloud. I'll give you a great...
  17. Radioguy41

    EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

    God I hope they can hang on. I don't even want to think about trying to teach Grandma how to access a streaming service. She has trouble just remembering how to get to the guide. I'll end up in the psych ward! :baby
  18. Radioguy41

    New Wally update

    Well I've checked out some things since the "update" and it's not good. Everything is slower. Push the Guide button and it's a good 6-9 seconds before anything happens. Scrolling the guide to the right is sometimes a stumbling process. It will scroll 3 or 4 programs then hang a few seconds, then...
  19. Radioguy41

    Amazon bricks Fire TV apps

    Not really any different than any other operating system when they update. Windows updates and some apps no longer work. Firefox updates and some add-ons no longer work. Update the forum software and suddenly some add-ons etc don't work. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  20. Radioguy41

    Dish Store

    I have several original Sears catalogs including a 1940 and a 1969 but the most fun is I found a beautiful reprint of the 1945 Sears Christmas catalog. It's available on Amazon for $13.76. They also now have a reprint of the 1942 Christmas catalog for $12.59. I'm 83 so between those and my...
  21. Radioguy41

    Walmart Seals Deal to Buy VIZIO

    A little late to the party dontcha think? Perhaps they don't understand that advs get inserted into content, not hardware. Owning your own TV mfg doesn't give you anywhere to insert advs. So, no robust in house streaming service (perhaps where they should have focused). WatchFree+ is not what I...
  22. Radioguy41

    What’s keeping you guys with Dish Network…

    Convenience. It's all there in one package with numbered channels (the wife doesn't want it any other way). In addition the DVR is local meaning even if the service and Internet are down I can still watch recordings and the time shifting capability is nice. I've tried the other devices, Roku...
  23. Radioguy41

    Commercial customers: Don’t stream in public!

    Sorry, that's not even close to true. So what if your ISP knows you access the VPN, Netflix (or whoever) would have to find your VPN first, then backtrack you through the VPN and unless you're using Joe Schmo's garage company as a VPN provider that's not going to happen. I'm not condoning...
  24. Radioguy41

    New Wally update

    It seems my Wallys have finally updated for the first time since last May. Version W570 is indicated. I don't notice any significant visual changes. I will spend some time tomorrow putting the tricks thru their paces and see if the skip and jump are finally working correctly. Anybody notice any...
  25. Radioguy41


    Here's the question, who will show up for Ducky's funeral next week? Tony? Ziva? Gibbs?