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  1. Cowchip

    Samsung Galaxy S5 metal frame allegedly leaked, may point to 5.3-inch display

    Bigger is not better. Dumb move if this is true.
  2. Cowchip

    What is your current phone?

    Yep. Even with a case I still know what is underneath. I have an Otterbox as well but it's ridiculously large and impracticable for everyday use for most people. I'll slap mine on when I go hunting, etc, but other than that it'll be in a Seidio. Yes, these new phones are a bit on the...
  3. Cowchip

    What is your current phone?

    That's great as long as you don't mind pebble blue or white, which was never in fashion no matter how badly people wanted it to be. Sorry, but when I saw that the only option was pebble blue I didn't even bother looking at the specs of this phone. But that's just me. ;) BTW, my current phone...
  4. Cowchip

    Galaxy S III

    Yeah, that might be a draw for some people. For me it isn't a factor.
  5. Cowchip

    Galaxy S III

    Meh. Pebble Blue? No thanks. White? Not a chance. Looks like the HTC One X stays on top of my list...and it has a better screen than the S3 anyway.
  6. Cowchip

    Sprint EVO gets FroYo next week

    You can manually load it right now since an unofficial version was leaked yesterday. HTC took it down and they are advising to wait, and I think I'll do that, but the update file is out there if you look for it on various websites. It's only a few more days and I'd rather put the official...
  7. Cowchip

    Apple announces press conference to discuss fixes to the IPhone 4 hardware

    RIM's response to Jim Jones, errrrrr, I mean Steve Jobs. "Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple's claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public's understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention...
  8. Cowchip

    Apple announces press conference to discuss fixes to the IPhone 4 hardware

    Lovin' my EVO and the signal strength is matter how I hold it. :D OK, that was a low blow, especially when you can't even ditch your brick and get an EVO since it's on backorder. I'd keep looking around. I've heard they are out there but only for new subs. A guy I know picked up...
  9. Cowchip

    Verizon HTC Droid Incredible

    I'd have to agree with the battery conditioning theory. I've had three new Blackberry's (work and personal) that have all had poor battery performance the first few days after regular charging. After those first few days of use and charging the batteries became more than sufficient to get...
  10. Cowchip

    Sprint- First carrier to sell the Nexus One

    The EVO is loaded up with features except for one.....a physical keyboard. That will be a tough sell for me but it's still worth a look when it's released.
  11. Cowchip

    Sprint- First carrier to sell the Nexus One

    Screw the Nexus, check out the HTC EVO that was unveiled today!
  12. Cowchip

    Another rant- I hate Blackberry!

    We have similar conditions on the BB phones we use at work with a few differences: The password is only four characters and doesn't require any special symbols or other syntax. We have a limit of 10 incorrect password entries before it is formatted. It will give you a warning message when you...
  13. Cowchip

    Sprint BB Tour 9630

    If you can wait get the 9650 which will be coming out shortly. It was originally referred to as the Tour 2, but now they are dropping that and just going with the Bold 9650 designation. It will have Wi-Fi and a trackpad in lieu of the junky trackball. I have the 9630 and the trackball is no...
  14. Cowchip

    Treo vs. Blackberry

    It'll be interesting to see how the Thunder compares to the iphoney.
  15. Cowchip

    Treo vs. Blackberry

    Ha. Yeah, the Curve is still new to me, so I figured I'd save the nuking for a later date. :D
  16. Cowchip

    Treo vs. Blackberry

    Can't you put the 4.5 beta on your phone? Many people are loading 4.5 on their Curves right now. I'm waiting a bit to let it all shake out.
  17. Cowchip

    Treo vs. Blackberry

    Not really. You'll become quite familiar with the small reset hole on the bottom of the 6800 handset. We've got a half-dozen of the 6800's around here at work and they all come to me for help. Now that they know how to do the reset I get a lot less visits to my office. :D
  18. Cowchip

    Treo vs. Blackberry

    Curious minds would like to know.....
  19. Cowchip

    Treo vs. Blackberry

    I picked up my first Blackberry last month (Curve 8330) and enjoy the heck out of it. I can't say what the learning curve is from the Palm to his device, but I think you'll catch on pretty quick. After you learn some of the keyboard shortcuts and where everything is at (which didn't take me...
  20. Cowchip

    Sprint SERO ending this month!?

    SERO is dead as of last night.
  21. Cowchip


    I'm west of the Cities about 50 miles. I don't know about the Rev A map either. I noticed the coverage map on their site the other day and I'm in one of the Sprint Mobile Broadband Network "zones". I believe the Rev A speeds were enabled for the Mogul after the last OS update. I think there...
  22. Cowchip


    I'm on Sprint which has EVDO Rev 0. I don't tether so personally it doesn't bother me. The overall agility of operating the device makes up for it. :D JAG72 - BlackBerry was rolling out some new updates last week and others had reported a slow data connection too, but since the update was...
  23. Cowchip


    HTML email coming to a BlackBerry near you! Rolling out now or in the near future depending on your carrier. :)
  24. Cowchip


    One other item of interest I noticed is the battery life of the BB which is phenomenal. The 6700 was horrible and the Mogul battery life was improved (seemed even better after the OS update) but still lacking when compared to the Curve.
  25. Cowchip


    It depends on the mail service. The BIS is included in the data plan. If you wish to connect to a business mail server than you need the BES plan, which you are correct, is more money. Mine is for personal use so I just have the standard data plan which includes the BIS service. I haven't...