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  1. BHNtechXpert

    BHN web site displays exceptional professionalism

    :) Yea I know it was...trying to breathe some life back into this forum section. This site is whacked for IE so I have no choice but to use Chrome which I hate. As for being deprived not quite sure I'm there just yet....but I'll let ya know lol ;) And yes it can be very difficult at...
  2. BHNtechXpert

    All stations go to B&W

    Note to Vizio....Jcarrera just paid you a with it people....RUN!!!!!
  3. BHNtechXpert

    DVR Compensation

    Can you please IM me your modem MAC...I want to review your equipment.
  4. BHNtechXpert

    DVR Compensation

    Quite the opposite should work fine. Have you rebooted your boxes since the upgrade?
  5. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    And that is the problem...nobody making claims in this thread has....
  6. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    No it could be intermittent...or noise or any number of things that have NOTHING to do with capacity. It could also be that the box because of bad two way hasn't pulled the latest information and is pointing incorrectly. Again not a capacity issue.
  7. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    Okay your issue is different than the poster. First of all you are using a digital adapter which does not tune SDV or Switched Digital Video channels. The DA or digital adapter is designed to be used for those with standard tier or below so SDV really isn't an issue for you.
  8. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    You are absolutely incorrect. If your return is bad SDV will indeed be impacted and guess what....that is signal :) As for your final sentence it would depend on the error being returned and I can check the box and actually tell you why the stream failed.
  9. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    Care to email me the transcript to or just send your modem MAC and I will pull it myself.
  10. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    He was...and in the qty he described this is not a capacity issue as you described. This is fixable however it would require a tech and some in depth work to find out why this is happening. I have offered lets see if he takes me up on it.
  11. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    First of all nobody said that to this customer. That was an assumption made by insider and it was an incorrect one. While in theory it is possible it rarely and I do mean rarely happens. Nothing to justify the experience noted above...that is a signal or equipment issue period.
  12. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    That does not happen often and is remedied quickly. And yes signal very much plays a role in this....
  13. BHNtechXpert

    Why so difficult bright house?

    This is not an issue with SDV....the technology is sound and actually working quite well. YOUR issue is either equipment, premise or nearby plant and can easily be resolved. If you want me to dig into it and get it resolved IM me here (or preferred post here...
  14. BHNtechXpert

    channel unavailable message

    No it's not...In my many years with the company I have seen countless people advance from the lowest of ranks to directors and higher. The majority of our senior leadership started the company in entry level positions and have slowly worked their way up the ladder. As with most companies you...
  15. BHNtechXpert

    channel unavailable message

    This is simply hogwash....kindly refrain speaking on behalf of the company or the about the company because you simply do not know what you are talking about.
  16. BHNtechXpert

    channel unavailable message

    Reach out to me at and I will get this taken care of...
  17. BHNtechXpert

    Tivo Romio Setup

    This is common with the Roamio. I would like to get a tech out to check everything again when can you be available?
  18. BHNtechXpert

    Tivo Romio Setup

    Okay check your premiums now :) You might need to give it a couple of minutes actually.
  19. BHNtechXpert

    Tivo Romio Setup

    Send me an IM here with your modem MAC, cable card ID, cable card serial, cable card MAC and host ID and I will take care of it.
  20. BHNtechXpert

    Tivo Romio Setup

    What is your EMM count?
  21. BHNtechXpert

    Tivo Romio Setup

    Where are you located?