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  1. cditty

    New iPhone 5S leaks hint at A7 chip inside made by TSMC, more colors, and a tinted dual LED flash

    I would go back to Apple if they would give me a 4.8 to 5.0 inch screen. I just can't handle that little screen.
  2. cditty

    Voice Over LTE is a Huge Battery Killer Up to 50% Greater Drain Than CDMA Calls

    Thanks for that. Makes sense as to why it has been pushed back. I'm in a small market, but on Verizon, so I do have true 4G. I am glad they still run my calls on the 1X network. They sound great and that is all I really care about. Data wise, I get a pretty constant 10 Meg down and 3-5 Meg...
  3. cditty

    It's Official - iPhone on Verizon Wireless

    Ditto. Hard to jump on a product 6 months into it's life cycle. I would venture to say that iPhone 5 will support both carriers with a qualcomm multi band chipset.
  4. cditty

    It's Official - iPhone on Verizon Wireless

    See, I took it as Verizon will get an iPhone 4, but they are also developing it's next model (iPhone 5), which I would expect will launch on both carriers in the usual June time frame. And, just a note. AT&T pissed me off when my phone got stolen (iPhone 4), and I ended up switching to...
  5. cditty

    It's Official - iPhone on Verizon Wireless

    Apple designs for battery and uses the network with the most coverage (ie look how long it took them to make a 3G phone). This will be CDMA and will not support LTE. I can pretty much guarantee that one. I do think this is a true rumor, though. Android is getting too much market and Apple...
  6. cditty

    Flash might be coming to the iPhone

    What they loosened was the restriction on using third party tools like flash to compile applications. They did not revert their stance on Flash being present on the iPhone. They ticked off a number of developers earlier this year when they said that you could not use Flash to code your program.
  7. cditty

    It's now LEGAL to Jailbreak or Root your phone!

    And they ran it through the browser... That seems like a glaring security hole. So much for the Apple Security Team.
  8. cditty

    Maybe Android isn't all that great after all

    I did... My post was trying to compare stock to stock. I put the Sense UI on it and I like it. I still think the iPhone is more intuitive as an electronic appliance. The average user isn't going to root their phone and download a ROM image. In that battle, Apple wins. I am very excited...
  9. cditty

    Maybe Android isn't all that great after all

    I've had both. I thought the 3GS was the best phone I had ever had. I upgraded to the 4 (for the camera/HD Video). Had Wi-Fi issues and of course the antenna problem. I sent it back. Needing a new phone and still wanting a decent camera (I take lots of pictures of my daughter on the go), I...
  10. cditty

    Get your contacts off your iPhone before canceling MobleMe

    Definitely keep contacts in the cloud. I have mine on my google and live accounts.
  11. cditty

    Engadget says Verizon may switch to AT&T-style limited data plans later this month

    AT&T's switch ended up saving me money. I am surrounded by wi-fi everywhere. My peak data usage was 91MB in a month.
  12. cditty

    Driod X comes complete with a Kill Switch

    Those guys were quick with that rooting. I had a nexus one, but didn't keep it due to the fact the capacitive buttons at the bottom kept registering when I was hitting the space bar while texting. I am pretty interested in the Droid X, but that would mean a carrier switch to Verizon. In my...
  13. cditty

    Rumor: Don't be looking for an iphone on Verizon anytime soon

    I have an iPhone and I love it. That said, I don't think Verizon should even pursue it again. Android is really on a roll and you know Google isn't going to stop. They really don't *need* the iPhone. Android would be better to me as a platform if they slow down on the updates a little. I am...
  14. cditty

    iPhone 4 has been officially announced! Goes on sale on June 24!

    I agree... But I do think that is one of the big reasons. Alot of folks say it is for repairs, etc... But most iPhone users upgrade every year, which kinda nullifies that argument.
  15. cditty

    iPhone 4 has been officially announced! Goes on sale on June 24!

    I think it is more for looks. A removable batter would add lines/notches, etc... Apple is all about looks. That is one of the way they make buyers perceive additional value.
  16. cditty

    AT&T starts metering data usage.

    Not only does this not bother me, I will be changing to the $15 dollar plan. My highest data month over the past year was 91 MB... And I use an iPhone. I'm around Wi-Fi and computers everywhere I am all day long. I am looking forward to saving the money.
  17. cditty

    Droid? Or Incredible/Desire

    I agree that the Incredible has way less lag than the original Droid. If I were to change phones at this moment, I would go with the Incredible.
  18. cditty

    Iphone coming to All carriers.

    I routinely get 2 meg down since my market got the 3g upgrade. I am quite happy with the Iphone and AT&T for that matter. I like the Android phones, but now that I have 3G, I'm cool with AT&T.