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  1. G

    The End of VOOM?

    I agree. Whenever I would tell someone that I had Voom they would say something to the effect of "Isn't that only HD, no normal cable channels?"
  2. G

    The End of VOOM?

    lol, that sounds so harsh.
  3. G

    The End of VOOM?

    Right now on Rave HD, my favorite channel, Robbie Williams is singing Frank Sinatra's classic "My Way"....I think I'll go sit in the corner and cry now. I will miss Voom so much.
  4. G

    The End of VOOM?

    Just.....damn. Don't take away my Voom. :no
  5. G

    VOOM in MicroCenter!

    That is when I ran across it there - late November.
  6. G

    VOOM in MicroCenter!

    I went to Micro Center today to get some ink for my printer and found myself lured to the HDTVs/Monitors. To my surprise I saw the HDN bug at the bottom of the screens. The Micro Center in Duluth, GA has a Voom receiver and is demoing its monitors with HDN. I asked the sales guy who jumped on me...
  7. G

    VOOM Commercial (shown in HD) on DiscoveryHD

    I too saw the commercial on DHDT but the audio was out of whack. For the majority of the commercial the voiceover was coming from the REAR channels. Toward the end of the commercial the voiceover returned to the front center channel. I checked all of my settings and everything was normal. Has...
  8. G

    Any update on Mega Mapping

    lol, you gotta love how Seinfeld can be related to anything.
  9. G

    Low-volume channel list

    THe History channel (613) is also very low.
  10. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    I guess it is time to give the csrs a call and have them do a pin reset. Go into system settings and turn demo mode off FIRST. Don't go to the security menu or you will get locked out again and have to call them back for another pin reset.
  11. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    The funniest part of the whole thing had to be the csr's reaction to it. I told her that I was messing around with it and had "somehow gotten it into demo mode" and that I needed the pin reset. When it was done she jokingly chastised me for messing with it and told me not to do anything like...
  12. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    Ah, too late to try the zipcode, when I got home I immediately went to settings and it was unlocked. I went to the demo mode screen and turned the mode back to normal. All fixed up now. So if you happen to do what I did and lock yourself out using demo mode you have to call the csr's and ask for...
  13. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    I tried calling last night at about 11:40pm eastern and was on hold for an hour before I gave up and went to bed. I called just a few minutes ago at 1:12pm (using the second number 1-800-641-3746, I don't know if there is something special about it or not, but it worked) and the thing didnt even...
  14. G

    Another Voom Service Number!!??

    I tried calling last night at about 11:40pm eastern and was on hold for an hour before I gave up and went to bed. I called just a few minutes ago at 1:12pm (using the second number 1-800-641-3746, I don't know if there is something special about it or not, but it worked) and the thing didnt even...
  15. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    Ilya, maybe you can add the demo mode description to the STB FAQ so that others will not be tempted to see what demo mode is and get burned like I did. Just a thought.
  16. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    It figures there was something on this forum warning me not to do it. I was on hold for an hour last night and finally gave up, I guess I have to try again today....and probably the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that.......
  17. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    Unplugging the stb, waiting a while, and then replugging it does not reset it. I guess I have to call a csr, if I can get one on the phone.
  18. G

    HELP! I locked myself out!

    I was messing around in the settings and the advanced settings (988) and decided to try 966. This brings up an option to enable "Demo mode." I enabled it and backed out of the menus. Nothing had changed so I tried to get back to the settings menu but there was now a lock on it! :eek: I tried a...
  19. G

    Component to VGA

    I thought that the DVI out of the Voom STB was DVI-D the D being digital only. If that is the case don't you need some special digital to analog converter to convert from DVI-D to VGA analog? The cable that Voom, Voom selected is DVI-A to VGA. I was hoping to connect my VGA computer monitor to...
  20. G

    Voom to use 2 Satellites!

    Wow, I never knew that there were that many satellites just for dish network. Why did voom make such a big deal about launching Rainbow-1 and we are now only hearing about the backup satellite through a confrence call? Why not have the same fainfare for the new satellite?
  21. G

    Voom to use 2 Satellites!

    Is having a backup satellite a common practice? Do other satellite providers practice this as well? I'm a noob to satellite and have not done much research on the subject. Is it worth the extra (hundreds?) of millions of dollars to have a redundant system like that? And what is the difference...
  22. G

    Excellent Install - Great Impression of Voom

    The antenna was a Winegard HD721P (or so I could tell from the picture I didn't feel like climbing on the roof to look ;) ) It is supposed to be good for reflection and I guess that is why they went with it. The antenna preamp is a Winegard...
  23. G

    NYPD Blue and OTA

    ...Whether or not it displays "Dolby Digital", I believe, depends on how the audio has been encoded from the station or network. Thats just my two cents worth, and again I am not claiming to be an expert, this just has been my experience. EDIT: **Just saw your above post so my point is...
  24. G

    Excellent Install - Great Impression of Voom

    I'm at work now, I'll check when I get home. When the installer came out the first thing he did was pull it out of the box and unfold it. It is enormous compared to the stealth antenna and he said he always shows people how big the antenna is before he gets it up on the roof in case they have...
  25. G

    NYPD Blue and OTA

    I have a Pioneer reciever and the Voom reciever is connected via an optical cable. My setup behaves the same way, I guess the STB changes the signal type and the reciever senses this and changes its decoding scheme. I have noticed, at least with my local ABC station, that the DD is not always...