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  1. S

    Problems with local channels using DirecTV and StarLink internet access

    Most likely Directv is determining your location based on the location of the Starlink ground station your satellite link to them is going. That's not always going to be in your viewing area.
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    Power inserter question

    You want something like Sonora's PI6S for applications that require 22 KHz tone/no tone and 18v/13v voltage levels.
  3. S

    Real DirecTV Subscriber numbers

    You think YTTV doesn't have any infrastructure costs? Directv's infrastructure costs don't scale with subscribers - it doesn't cost them anything to serve one additional customer. They are broadcasting a signal into your backyard whether or not you have a dish up to receive it. But even though...
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    D11 outage 2/27/2024 (Resolved on 2/28)

    They'd also have to replace all the HR34/H44/HR44 out there.
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    D11 outage 2/27/2024 (Resolved on 2/28)

    D11 & D12 have identical spot beam configurations, so worst case if one of them completely failed I suppose they could double up the channels on every beam. That would mean halving the bit rate for each channel, so quality would take a hit, but MPEG4 compressors have improved since those...
  6. S

    DirecTV5 FCC filing

    D5 is not providing service to Alaska/Hawaii, or anywhere else. It says they're doing this for "compliance with the Commission's geographic service rules". In other words, to keep Dish from trying to claim those 3 transponders for itself.
  7. S

    Potential changes in AT&T's ownership of DirecTV

    True but the numbers leaving cable/satellite linear TV is a lot higher than the numbers of people dying. There are a lot of people who have had it for years who are deciding they don't need it anymore. Unless you are a sports fan, or are so addicted to 24x7 cable news and your preferred network...
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    Potential changes in AT&T's ownership of DirecTV

    I don't think it is so much people making "tough decisions", i.e. their personal finances are so stretched they have no choice but to cut out TV. There were a lot more people with financial issues in 2009/2010 after the housing bubble burst and unemployment spiked to 10%, but there was no rush...
  9. S

    Potential changes in AT&T's ownership of DirecTV

    The money you are saving easily pays for that. Hire a third party installer for a few hundred bucks and he comes by with a dish and wire and installs however you like. He's not asking questions, he's just doing a job. And they may all have already had Directv do their installs for free. If you...
  10. S

    Potential changes in AT&T's ownership of DirecTV

    Directv is going where the meat of the market is, and probably doesn't think the camper/tailgater market is worth worrying about beyond the existing customers who have H24/H25 for that use. The problem is that what works for camping/tailgating also works for account stacking, and the Genie 2 +...
  11. S

    Potential changes in AT&T's ownership of DirecTV

    Why in the world would new satellites revitalize Directv? What do you think they will do with a new satellite that the current set can't? They do have new receivers - the Gemini and the H26K. Maybe you want an HS27 but other than adding tuners (which is a niche market getting more niche every...
  12. S

    4k Box Grounded to AC outlet

    Sorta, but not really. Since the neutral acts as a return path for circuits it isn't a true ground. Try using it as an audio ground and you'll see the problem. I assume Directv is doing this because every other box has a coax connection which if installed according to their specs is grounded...
  13. S

    4k Box Grounded to AC outlet

    If they cared that much about grounding they should have given it a three prong plug.
  14. S

    Local Channels 119 Shutoff?

    I highly doubt Directv cares about that. They probably don't even care all that much about the handful of residential customers who still have SD equipment. What they are worried about (or at least were back in 2019 as shown by that internal document I posted with their MPEG2 SD decommissioning...
  15. S

    Local Channels 119 Shutoff?

    It sure doesn't look like it was planned though - that would be a weird way of discontinuing that service. At this point at has been long enough that even if they could fix it, it wouldn't be worth it because anyone depending on those SD channels will have upgraded to HD or whatever.
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    Solid Signal’s HANDS ON REVIEW: DIRECTV H26K Commercial Receiver

    Any business owner dumb enough to think that router ports limit how much things you can connect via ethernet deserves what they get.
  17. S

    Solid Signal’s HANDS ON REVIEW: DIRECTV H26K Commercial Receiver

    I think they are assuming headends in 2023 will be controlled via automation of some type, either the iPad app or some sort of remote control software.
  18. S

    New DIRECTV Receiver Coming in August

    I'm assuming they don't support the LCC with those USB ports. But it sure would have been nice if they did to better deal with the inevitable disputes. But if they aren't smart enough to do that to help their residential customers they aren't going to be smart enough to do it here either.
  19. S

    New DIRECTV Receiver Coming in August

    And I don't see how getting rid of SD locals will help bandwidth. They'd have to get rid of quite a few of the 101 spotbeams to convert even one of those transponders to CONUS. It doesn't look like there will ever be any real full time 4K channels, so they may never move 4K to reverse band let...
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    New DIRECTV Receiver Coming in August

    Weird that it doesn't support DECA. DECA is problematic with 13 H26Ks supported per DSWM30 leg due to the losses when splitting 16 ways, but you can work around that by using two DECAs and one BSF per leg. I suppose they saved a few bucks in licensing not supporting DECA directly in the...
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    Canceling vs suspending Service

    While you never know for sure they probably won't want the HR24 back. But you should prepare for the fact they may not allow you to ever reactivate it again should you restart Directv service. Obviously those grandfathered discounts will be gone for good.
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    A new DIRECTV Genie DVR coming soon?

    What would be the point of gigabit when the maximum bandwidth it would ever need to support (for a 4K program) is around 30 Mbps or so?
  23. S

    A new DIRECTV Genie DVR coming soon?

    I'm sure it will be 4Kp60 w/HDR to match the capabilities of clients.
  24. S

    General question about how signal loss manifests...

    The techs will only do jobs that fit "standard" scenarios. They aren't allowed to leave their ladder, they probably are only allowed to use ladders of a certain height, they are likely allowed or even directed to refuse installs where there are dangerous materials nearby like asbestos. Unless...
  25. S

    General question about how signal loss manifests...

    Such things are almost always coming from the network that way. You'll see them on cable TV or "streaming cable" like Sling too. There is so much error correction built into the satellite signals that they are pretty much an all or nothing proposition until you get down to the very ragged edge -...