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  1. strunch

    322 to multiple tv's?

    I'm an installer and today i went to this big fancy house and the guy there or contractor says he wants to put a 322 in the basement and somehow run both tuner ouputs on the 322 to six different rooms. Is this possible? If it is possible wouldnt you need an additional uhf remote? Thanks for any...
  2. strunch

    Tips from experienced installers please!?

    I have been wanting to ask some experienced installers a few questions for awhile so here goes. 1. Is there a way to detect if a cable in a prewired home is going through a splitter or not using a multimeter or other magic tool? 2. Your method or a good way to find studs on various...
  3. strunch

    Can't locate problem on Superdish?!

    I found the problem. A massive buried powerline running alongside interstate 94. It was fairly close to the dish. My last attempt at a solution was a faraday cage...didn't work. :(
  4. strunch

    Can't locate problem on Superdish?!

    I went there this morning and everything was fine. The signal was strong and steady on all three satellites. Then I got a call in the afternoon saying the problem had returned. Put another four hours in trying to figure it out and still no luck. replaced 34 switch with no change,however,the...
  5. strunch

    Can't locate problem on Superdish?!

    perhaps a signal amplifier?
  6. strunch

    Can't locate problem on Superdish?!

    I will try but i doubt all three recievers are bad. Also during my testing I bypassed the 34 switch and the problem was still there.
  7. strunch

    Installation help

    air conditioner sometimes you can squirrel them through the air conditioner..if it has that little notch in the corner.
  8. strunch

    Can't locate problem on Superdish?!

    I installed a superdish Friday. I had strong signals on all three satellites. It was a pole mount with about 100 feet of buried cable. I mounted the 34 switch on the condo next to the cable box. Cable guy came out and unlocked the box and I patched into the existing cable. Customer called saying...
  9. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    44 switch ok thanks, i ended up hooking superdish to one tv and skyangel to the other....and the switch can be easily swapped out when available.... I did see a 44 switch today at the shop i do installs for!
  10. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    darn darn...of course they want the hallmark channel which is on 110 so I'm back to square one. Are you sure they would have to do a check switch each time they switch from the skyangel and superdish using an a/b switch? Thanks
  11. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    "I doubt that an A/B switch will work with a satellite feed. The switch matrix won't match up - you'd have to run a Check Switch every time you threw the switch. Not something the average consumer would tolerate." Yeah I thought you would have to do a check switch each time too but tech...
  12. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    right but i found if your upfront with the customer and tell them the situation it is irrelevent what dish network says.
  13. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    thanks! thanks for your help. It looks like if they had the top 60 or 120 they shouldn't be affected too much by the lack of the 110 satellite. I will suggest that. Then they won't have to deal with an a/b switch. Thanks again
  14. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    a dishpro single lnb? If I don't have one can I use a dishpro dual lnb with the 300 dish or a 500 dish? What channels are on 110? Thanks
  15. strunch

    If in Wisconsin and Michigan

    what wrong with having two people working together to install a satellite? That is the way I do it and it greatly speeds up the install and helps to have two heads when doing some aspects of the install and troubleshooting.
  16. strunch

    Superdish with Sky angel??

    I am an installer with little experience with hooking a skyangel up to a superdish. I have an install in the morning. The customer has an old dish 300 dish hooked up to two dish 301 receivers. The install is for a superdish so they can get dish programming and locals on 121. If the 44 switch was...