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  1. A

    Getting rid of dish network

    I also ditched Dish. It is VERY difficult to do. You get rep "A", tell them you want to quit they say "OK, may I ask why?" you tell them they try to overcome your objection, then they say they have to transfer you. Wait 10 minutes. Same rigamarole. Rinse, Repeat, after the THIRD guy asked...
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    DishPlayer 942 is (NOT) out!

    I'm kinda new to Satellite guys, and I didn't visit dbstalk for several years. I know there was a schism somewhere. Can someone tell me the history between mark and scott, dbstalk and satellliteguys, and/or just fill me in? /edit: Didn't realize it was a potentially bad story. Please...
  3. A

    oh where, oh where is the 942?

    Is it that same warehouse from Indiana Jones where the government stores the ark of the covenant? -Allen
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    DishPlayer 942 is (NOT) out!

    THANK GOD I might add. Did we really want them to push out ANOTHER buggy receiver, make promises to fix it that never materialize? Maybe JUST MAYBE they will be forced to release this one 'right' ? Wishful thinking. If my comcast gets the Tivo that is where I'm going. -Allen
  5. A

    DishPlayer 942 is (NOT) out!

    HAHA I just won a bet, I won't have to do 500 pushups now =D (bet was, around Jan 15th that "There is no way in hell Dish will release the 942 by the end of the 1st qtr, they are the vaporware Gods") -Allen
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    Charlie Chat HDTV Quote

    Is your post sarcasm? -Allen
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    FROM DISH: New 942 Information

    So I take it March 15th wasn't the date? My friend who is a Dish installer says everytime he calls his distributor to order a 942, they just laugh at him. -Allen
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    FROM DISH: New 942 Information

    So, is this Mar 15th date correct?
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    FROM DISH: New 942 Information

    Including the 942 itself, so far. -Allen
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    FROM DISH: New 942 Information

    Just to share MY preference. Dish: If you are reading, it is better to delay and do it RIGHT then to send out crap and promise to fix it later. Especially given your track record of fixing it later. -Allen
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    FROM DISH: New 942 Information

    I guess what I'm asking is, do you BELIEVE it will be out in March? Do you believe if it comes out in March, it will work like it is supposed to (i.e. Will they push it out buggy just to say they released it when they said they would?) -Allen
  12. A

    FROM DISH: New 942 Information

    So, Dish had hinted strongly that this would be out in February, Q1 at the latest. But we haven't heard ANYTHING since then. Has Dish pulled a(NOTHER) Dish? Is this thing officially vaporware yet? -Allen