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  1. G

    R22 Question

    I mean the bars that are on both sides of the screen when something is not in widescreen.
  2. G

    R22 Question

    I just got a new r22 dvr to replace my old one. I have it hooked up to my lcd tv by and hdmi cable and i was wondering if there was a way to change the bar color. I cant find the option in settings.
  3. G

    DVR Question

    I live in middle Georgia. What model of new dvrs are people in the area getting from directv.
  4. G

    DVR Question

    My R15-500 DVR went out today and has to be replaced. I called Directv and they are sending me a new dvr by fedex. Whay model do you all think that i will be getting. Thanks
  5. G

    hd dvr questions

    I live in Milledgeville,Georgia. I currently have an h20-600 and am waiting to recieve my hd dvr. I am having trouble with the audio and video on some of my hd channels no wanting to sync up. (examples: fx and speed) I was wondering if the hd dvr would fix tlhe problem, and also which model...
  6. G

    HD DVR Networking

    I just ordered an hddvr yesterday. I live in an old house with no wired- in networking. My question is can i use a wireless adapter with my hddvr?, if so what is the best one to use? I already have a wireless network setup. Just seeing if i could add the hddvr to my wireless network.
  7. G

    DirecTV 10 Signal Reading Thread(Transponders are Hot!)

    I've been getting 100% on transponder 11 for about 5 hours now on 103b. I'm in Georgia.
  8. G

    SD Question

    When i get my hd reciever and hook it up via hdmi, will i be able to tell a difference in the sd channels then and now with a sd box and composite?
  9. G

    New HD Channels

    Does anyone know when D* is going to launch the new HD Channels?
  10. G

    Newbi Questions

    I just upgraded to directv hd today. I have a 37''LG LCD display with a top setting of 1080i and i have a few questions. I will be hooking my reciever to my hd set via an hdmi cable. Will the reciever upscale SD channels to HD and display SD channels in 16:9? Right now with an SD reciever and...