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  1. B

    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    Is there anyone out there that can close this thread, it's getting out of hand. Instead of people having a discussion about current events, this is turning into bash each others beliefs thread. Last time I'm going to say this: Those of you who are PRO Bush you will not change the minds of us...
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    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    my opinions may be based on my perception but most are pretty darn accurate. I don't need to go do polls to figure out our hitler of a leader is an @$$. I don't need to spend hours on to figure out that what he is doing is wrong. I don't have to read the bible again to figure out that he...
  3. B

    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    I didn't know we were keeping score. I thought we were just thowing out opinions. Most of the stuff discussed here is based on opinions and not actual fact. Like I said you might get some but not most. After those so called sex ed classes kids just laugh at the idea. There is only one thing on...
  4. B

    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    First you are truly living in a fantasy world if you think for a minute kids won't have sex if you teach abstinence. Trust me it don't work. You might convert some bot not most. Second, If what he did was not a crime why did he plead guilty in court? He served community service and rehab.
  5. B

    Home security system

    Dog's don't work. A friend of mine has two rot's, his house was burglarized. The back door was kicked in the robbers let the dogs out and he went in.
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    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    I was in gulf war 1 as well, but that was a whole different ball game. So can I go there now. LOL.. jk
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    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    I never said that anything I was talking about was fact. Just my opinion. And my views on how I perceive it. By the way that was by far the best explanation I have seen to date. My views on WWII and us having a chance was based on, when you are at war with a country you have a chance on...
  8. B

    Home security system

    Just the other day our alarm went off, one of our employees forgot something at his desk and entered the building not knowing there was an alarm. It was going off for about a half hour or so. I never received a phone call from the alarm company nor did the police ever show up. Now that's service...
  9. B

    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    This really has nothing to do with freedom. Iraq didn't invade us, and threaten our freedom. So why are we truly at war with them. This is not a question to start a fight. I really would like to know why we invaded a country who has truly done nothing to us. There is absolutely no evidence "that...
  10. B

    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    It may not accomplish world peace, but it will save hundreds of lives. Here comes the can of worms. We should never have been there to begin with. There I said it. Now you can start flaming me. Hey Eric you're a Republican aren't you? Since you seem to think this war is justified and don't...
  11. B

    War on Terror P.O.W's

    I agree with you on a lot of points except one. The war on terror will never be won. We could kill every terrorist on the planet today. Tomorrow there will be more. The war is never ending. Someone will always hate democracy and thusly there will always be extremists trying to put an end to it...
  12. B

    War on Terror P.O.W's

    I wasn't saying let everyone out, but I do think what we did was wrong. Let me rephrase my answer... Don't let anyone out yet, but let them have their day in court. If they are found not guilty.. they walk. If they are found guilty, let them rot. And I honestly think the only way to stop...
  13. B

    Watching a president tank:( (bush)

    If there is one thing that I have learned on Forums is don't start political arguments. You can't win. The Rep's are brainwashed into thinking they are right and no one is going to tell them different. And the Dem's have exactly the same way of thinking. It's a never ending argument. The only...
  14. B

    War on Terror P.O.W's

    WWII wasn't a bogus war, because we were at war with countries not activists. The war on terror is just a way for Dubya to get revenge against an activist group that hijacked 4 planes and flew them into strategic targets. That would make them terrorists, not goverments. How do you declare war...
  15. B

    War on Terror P.O.W's

    Just a thought. Since it seems to be legal to pick someone up and throw them in a prison camp because someone says they are linked with terror. And never give them a trial. In a sense giving them a life sentence since the war on terror will never be over. How about this, same scenario...
  16. B

    Ebay Phishing emails

    Concidering the emails are sent through wandering proxy servers. There is really no way to trace them back to who sent them originally. My guess is the only thing they can do is shut down the web sites that the phishing belongs to.
  17. B

    Home Repairs...

    I do it all electrical, plumbing, carpentry, appliance repair, computer repair, automotive, and a little construction. I just recently layed hardwood floors, throughout the house and layed slate tile in my kitchen.
  18. B

    Cigar smoking on TV

    actually he said it was a newspaper. It was half way down post 15
  19. B

    Ebay Phishing emails

    Has anyone else received any of these, I received two yesterday? Of course I knew as soon as I got them they were fake. But I worried that other people might not recognize them as being fake and get screwed.
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    Cigar smoking on TV

    I even said that by no means is smoking healthy... But I do feal that obesity is far more unhealthy than smoking. Although I don't really consider myself obese being 5'8 and currently 205. Yes I am still about 30 - 40 pounds overweight but not obese.
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    Cigar smoking on TV

    They could drive the price of cigarettes up to 10 bucks a pack and it still won't stop kids from smoking... Why is that? because they will just get them the same way they do now, its not because they aren't checking ID it's because they are being shop lifted. Kids walk into wal-mart all the time...
  22. B

    Cigar smoking on TV

    So why is there soooooo many smokers out there cancer free if smoking causes cancer? Can you give me a midical fact as to why this is the case? It is just a farse to scare people into submission. If something causes cancer that means that the substance alters the actual cellular structure...
  23. B

    Cigar smoking on TV

    What brand was the cigar? If you don't know how is it product placing? If I see someone smoking a cigar or cigarette, I don't see anywhere on the product a visible logo that would tell me what brand it is, without closely inspecting it. So how can you call it product placement or advertising...
  24. B

    Did anyone record The Grammys

    People actually still watch that crap... LOL just kidding.
  25. B

    What browser do you use?

    I'll have to pass that along to our Network Engineer. He is the one who is in charge of the Raritan boxes. We have four and can't connect to any of them with firefox. It's not just me. All of us in systems have the same problem.