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  1. LoTech

    Getting Married (?)

    I do find that I have more time to get things done, because I never have to (or get to) make any decisions anymore. Unless something goes wrong... Then it was my idea.
  2. LoTech

    Getting Married (?)

    No more Monty Python either.
  3. LoTech

    Getting Married (?)

    If you've never watched Caveman, watch it now. After you're married you'll get that "you're not seriously going to watch that" look.
  4. LoTech

    New stuff at Luken website

    I was just at the Luken website, and they have a bunch of new channels listed: My Family Tv, Frost Great Outdoors, Jewelery TV, The Nashville Network (I thought this became Spike a few years ago), and Car TV. I wonder if they will bring any of these to their mux on 83W? KU needs a shot in the...
  5. LoTech

    PBJ now on amc9

    For the past few weeks I've had my FTA box disconnected because I hadn't been watching due to the lack of much good stuff on KU. After all the discussion about PBJ I decided to hook my old CS 5000 back up and try for this channel. I'm glad I did. Its like Saturday morning 1978 all day long...
  6. LoTech

    PBJ now on amc9

    I have the same problem here... though not as bad. There are certain parts of my property where all I can get with a compass is a best guess; and the direction it points in the morning may not be the same as in the evening. Come to think of it. My problem might be high tension lines like...
  7. LoTech

    Free Dbs still planning their network per new update...

    I think that might be five days. :D I could have gone all day without hearing that name.
  8. LoTech

    Free Dbs still planning their network per new update...

    Come on guys, we don't have definitive proof of bigfoot, UFOs, or Atlantis either, but I see them on the History channel every day.
  9. LoTech

    Smallest dish for C band in upper midwest/Iowa

    Anyone have experience with a 6' offset solid aluminum dish. I have one that I haven't set up yet, and I thought I might use it to try for MeTV and This. I was wondering if it might possibly pull in the S2 RTV stuff too?
  10. LoTech

    Is KU FTA circling the drain?

    While there are a good many FTA channels available on C-band, it seem like KU's offerings get smaller and smaller all the time. A few years ago when I got started in FTA there was a good number of entertainment channels available on KU; especially 123W. Now we're down to basically the History...
  11. LoTech

    Made in USA

    I think the question has been answered. We can close the thread now if that's Ok with everyone.
  12. LoTech

    Made in USA

    Sometimes I forget that this forum is viewed by folks from countries other than the United States, and believe me when I say that I am not anti-Canadian, or anti-Mexican, or anti-Anyone when I talk about being proud of the U.S. We all can, and should be proud of our respective countries, but...
  13. LoTech

    Made in USA

    Thanks for the info guys. I was hoping that there was something made here, but oh well...
  14. LoTech

    Made in USA

    Found one. From WS International Website... Sonset DTH6500 - All American Made!!! I thought some of the Manhattan's might be made in America, but I can't find any info on them.
  15. LoTech

    Made in USA

    Are there any American made FTA receivers out there?
  16. LoTech

    Having a satellite dish 'is a human right,' says European court

    Good luck. We can't even get people to think that about the American Flag.
  17. LoTech

    FINALLY - High speed internet - Kinda!

    my area has been wait-listed for DSL here for about 9 years. Still only a few places in the county that have it. Thank God for cablenet!
  18. LoTech

    AMC9 on SV360p

    I have the same problem with my Coolsat 8000. Sometimes it simply refuses to lock RTV/Tuff. My Coolsat 5000 running through the loop out picks it up at around 80Q. Usually if I let the 8000 set tuned to RTV or Tuff for about 5 minutes it will lock the transponder with qood quality, but if I...
  19. LoTech

    FINALLY - High speed internet - Kinda!

    Thats great! Can't do much below 256k. Hope you get all the bugs worked out.
  20. LoTech

    Murdoch Meltdown

    Isn't that kind of like saying I hope my uncle dies so I can inherit his stuff... Maybe.. If he doesn't leave it to someone else.
  21. LoTech

    PBS on the chopping block!

    Before the thread gets closed, I'd like to leave everyone with a quote from Smokey and the Bandit that we could all heed once and a while. "When you say something, how ignorant you sound depends on what section of the country you're standing in." -- Bo Darville aka The Bandit Remember, we...
  22. LoTech

    PBS on the chopping block!

    The only new shows I watch on PBS (occasionally) are Nova, Nature, and History Detectives. Same kind of shows they run on History, Discovery, and TLC if you take away the reality shows. They do have a good supply of older (some much older) shows that I sometimes watch such as Red Green, good...
  23. LoTech

    PBS on the chopping block!

    Some of you guys are getting a little out of control. This discussion is morphing into a discussion of personal and political views, and has little to do with FTA.
  24. LoTech

    PBS on the chopping block!

    Dee, I'm not trying to be deleterious here, so please don't take this the wrong way. Exactly how absurd something sounds depends on one's views; political, philosophical, ethical, etc... What may be completely insane to you may be the exact opposite to someone else. I stepped away from...
  25. LoTech

    Things that you learn in the South:

    That's what we use. The next town over uses You'uns (singular) and You'unses (plural). Rattlesnakes scare me a little, but copperheads are just a nuisance. Not any cottonmouths around here. Not till you get to Winchester. We consider anything North of there part of Ohio. One saying you...