Made in USA

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Found one.

From WS International Website...
Sonset DTH6500 - All American Made!!!

I thought some of the Manhattan's might be made in America, but I can't find any info on them.
I am not aware of any FTA receiver manufactured or assembled in the US, Canada or Mexico.

The Sonset DTH6500 is not a US manufactured product.
I use a DVB card made in USA, Genpix Electronics, SkyWalker 2, and an S2 version is in the works, soon I hope. But no receivers I know of. They don't make TVs in this country either. Too bad :( we used to make quality stuff in the US.
If the leaders of this country would of set the stage promoting manufacturing of the electronic equipment needed here in the US before digital TV came to, just try to imagine how different things would be. It would of been a great jobs creation program! There are still a few electronic shops in my area that build high quality stuff! :usa
If the leaders of this country would of set the stage promoting manufacturing of the electronic equipment needed here in the US before digital TV came to, just try to imagine how different things would be. It would of been a great jobs creation program! There are still a few electronic shops in my area that build high quality stuff! :usa
You know how expensive those TV would have been?

We are a strange country, everybody wants everything for free or as cheap as possible, yet for work they want the highest wages possible. You can't pay a guy to make a quality product here and expect to sell it at a low cost. Yet in other countries where people WANT to work they do it for pennies on a dollar and they do it with pride. I dont know maybe its a culture thing, some people can say its politics and that would be part of the equasion but not all of it.

I personally think the Cell Phone Industry helped distroy America. Because of them now everybody wants everything for free... the cell phone model spread to other industries such as the satellite industry where again people want everything free... Give me satellite in 4 room and in each room I want a MPEG4 HD DVR with a Tarabye hard drive... and I dont want you to charge me anything for the equipment and install.

It's a shame. The only time people understand that time is money is when they are the ones getting paid.

The question is how do we fix it? And more importantly can we even fix it?
You know how expensive those TV would have been?

We are a strange country, everybody wants everything for free or as cheap as possible, yet for work they want the highest wages possible. You can't pay a guy to make a quality product here and expect to sell it at a low cost. Yet in other countries where people WANT to work they do it for pennies on a dollar and they do it with pride. I dont know maybe its a culture thing, some people can say its politics and that would be part of the equasion but not all of it.

I personally think the Cell Phone Industry helped distroy America. Because of them now everybody wants everything for free... the cell phone model spread to other industries such as the satellite industry where again people want everything free... Give me satellite in 4 room and in each room I want a MPEG4 HD DVR with a Tarabye hard drive... and I dont want you to charge me anything for the equipment and install.

It's a shame. The only time people understand that time is money is when they are the ones getting paid.

The question is how do we fix it? And more importantly can we even fix it?

You have some very good points. A quality FTA receiver would probably cost over $300 if made in the USA.
It's a lot more complicated than just people wanting inexpensive merchandise. Global valuations of currency and cost of living have a direct effect. Annual income of $10980 for a single person is considered the poverty line for a single person in the U.S.A.. In some countries that will buy you a four bedroom home in a nice neighborhood. The U.S.A. is still a technology leader with exports that far exceed most of the manufacturing countries with low paid workers. We just have fewer high paid jobs for manual labor than in the past.

In my opinion most of the economic problems in the U.S. today are due to corruption within government and the banking sector.
You have some very good points. A quality FTA receiver would probably cost over $300 if made in the USA.

I would have no problem paying more than $300 for a good, American made receiver. I can remember back when receivers were in excess of $1000.00. I believe that I paid more than $1000 for my 4DTV 920 back in 1997. The Drake ESR-1624 I still have and that still works and is 19 years old was probably $800 or so. I am a firm beliver in you pay for what you get.
You know how expensive those TV would have been?

The question is how do we fix it? And more importantly can we even fix it?

Unfortunately no one here on SatelliteGuys will probably live long enough to ever see a huge turn around here in the U.S. but you never know. ;)

As for how expensive...
Look at all the foreign companies that have set up shop here in the U.S. and employ our citizens and are making it and are competitive. They have to build facilities in most cases too so whatever incentives they receive must help a lot for that and a lot is for tax purposes. Back in the late eighties when video tapes got affordable the country of origin labels were head scratching material for me. All of the American brand tapes were imported and most all of the foreign brands were made in U.S.A. Honda sends components to Japan from here and a few years ago even some completed cars. There are a lot more recent examples too but I am going astray here. There are people looking for work here that would be happy to do a low pressure less skilled job instead of retraining at college every few years. Yes the world has really changed and the competition is fierce but there still is and can be stuff made here. Yes a quality US built receiver would be pricey but I have not had too great of luck with Chinese made electronics especially DVD recorders. :(
We're still the 4th largets exporter in the world behind the European union, China, & Germany. China and Germany aren't that far ahead of us. The EU population is 40% larger than the USA and China has more than five times the population. We are far more productive than any other country with the possible exception of Germany per capita. All the FTA receivers manufactured on the planet probably don't add up to one Boeing 747.
[SUB]Almost [/SUB]NOTHING is made in the US anymore.

When my son was just about to get his driver's license back in 2000, he told me he wanted to buy an American car. I asked him what he had in mind.
He said "Oh I don't know, I can't decide between a Mitsubishi or a Toyota."

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: ORLY??????

I had to explain to him that those are NOT American companies and that at one time they built war machines that were used against the US in a horrible war... He didn't believe me so I told him "Go call your grandpa then and ask him."

My son ended up getting an old, used Dodge, made back in a time when they were made in, Mexico.... :(
At least it was made in this hemisphere...

I do have to say though that I saw someone moved a plant from China back to, HOUSTON, TEXAS! They make hair dryers, irons, curlers, etc....
Houston's Farouk Systems to hire 1,277 this year - Houston Chronicle

I would gladly go to work there if I could, but I'm over 100 miles away.. And the cost of living in Houston is pretty high so moving there just to work at a low wage job doesn't make sense. Nor does commuting 200 miles a day..

But, that is good to see at least one thing being made here. :)

I very much remember when EVERYTHING was made here. Until Nixon made nice with the far east... :mad:
Concrete barrier is still made in PA!
I make it for a living, lol.
When you drive down the road in PA, you can say "there is a good chance kodaz made that in good ole USA!"
When my son was just about to get his driver's license back in 2000, he told me he wanted to buy an American car. I asked him what he had in mind.
He said "Oh I don't know, I can't decide between a Mitsubishi or a Toyota."

There are still a few cars "assembled" here in the US of parts from...


A lot of cars considered "American" are assembled in Canada or Mexico too.

There are a lot of foreign companies that set up shop here including parts

suppliers for the auto industry.


You can buy an American car that has a lot of foreign parts and "keep" the

money in the states to support fat CEOs, invest in their foreign facilities that

export jobs and buy from parts suppliers overseas. Or you can buy from a

foreign company who very possibly built the car here with a lot of US

components and are reinvesting money back into US facilities and provide jobs.

There are Honda cars built in Ohio that are the most American made vehicle that

you can buy. :wacko:

I think that I will walk to work in my Chinese shoes! :eek:
I remember an episode of only in America with Larry the cable guy and he was on a dock talking to someone about ships and boats and he threw out "China" like 25 times per sentence. I was LMAO because it was soooo true and he was making a goof point. I think that was the turning point where I started to like the guy. :D

Posted from my JB'd iPhone 3GS using the SatelliteGuys app
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