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  1. P

    Beta Laux 9 foot advice

    It is just a standard LNBF by WSI. the F/D ratio for the dish is .30 but it works better at .36.The folcal distance is 32.75 inches and set accordingly. I use two different Geosat pro's both the 1200 and the micro HD. I am fine on how to set anything up on any dish. I use to do it for a...
  2. P

    Beta Laux 9 foot advice

    Hey anyone who is using a Beta Laux 9 foot dish. I have one I have used for years. The problem is the old Seavey feedhorn died and I replaced it with a new lnbf c band feed. This was ok when it was locked down on AMC7. However I recently tried to use this through the rest of the arc like I use...
  3. P

    Need to paint the old Beta Lux

    Just finished painting the Beta-Lux with Rustoleum's "Fossil" color which is similar to a camouflage tan. It is satin finish and all is working well so far :) Even the neighbor commented it looked good haha
  4. P

    Need to paint the old Beta Lux

    Hi ...quick question. I am pretty familiar with what paints not to use on a dish (glossy , metallic) . While flat is the choice that is best....does anyone have any information on if it would cause any overheating problems if I use a light colored (almond) satin finish on this 9 foot dish?
  5. P

    Weird Reception problem missing some transponders

    Here is the issue with the Traxis I have the latest firmware, but I think they have a bug they need to fix. When I set the LNB on the correct LO freq. It doesn't receive all the transponders. It has two locations for this one on top of each other. So if I set it for " 5150 " (mu LO)on top box...
  6. P

    Weird Reception problem missing some transponders

    I have narrowed it is the Traxis 6000HD receiver. My Geosat pro receives all the transponders fine but for some reason the same setup will not receive the Leasea feeds (and probably others) when I put the Traxis in place of the Geosatpro....any suggestions?
  7. P

    Weird Reception problem missing some transponders

    Well I do get both polarities so I don't think it is polarity switching problem
  8. P

    Weird Reception problem missing some transponders

    Using a taxis 6000hd..... and yes I do get the virgin Islands and livewell network...weird huh Oh and yes my L.O. is set correct...good suggestion though
  9. P

    Weird Reception problem missing some transponders

    Hi I am having an unusual problem. I will preface this with letting everyone know I use to install satellite systems for a living. This however was back before LNBF's....LNBF"s were just coming out when I moved into other lines of work. I am wondering if this problem has something to do with the...