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  1. sculchy

    OTA antenna

    Dishformyrv has them for $59.99 and free shipping.
  2. sculchy

    U344 - can't record /set up timers

    Working again after partial reset. Had this issue Saturday morning as well. There better be a software update on the way to fix this mess.
  3. sculchy

    U344 - can't record /set up timers

    I am also unable to set timers or record anything. Doing a partial reset right now.
  4. sculchy

    4k from BBCA

    Same here, but the Hopper reboots on its own. Just another item added to the long list of 4K Joey disappointments.
  5. sculchy

    U 341 now on the hopper 3 dvr

    Who said I wasn't happy? This is my 17th year with Dish, so I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon. I apologize if I offended you by pointing out a serious flaw with your solution.
  6. sculchy

    U 341 now on the hopper 3 dvr

    Some of us watch TV on Joeys. A work around for 1 of my 4 TV's isn't really a solution.
  7. sculchy

    Hockey Timer Broken with U332

    Same thing happened to me with my Pittsburgh Penguins timer. I missed the first 8 minutes of last night's game.
  8. sculchy

    Enter to Win a HopperGO!

    I would like to win a HopperGO!
  9. sculchy


  10. sculchy

    Netflix on 4k Joey.....

    But they come with the 40.0 remote because they had been done for so long.
  11. sculchy

    Netflix on 4k Joey.....

    My advice forget about it and PIP too. That way maybe months from now you'll get a surprise.
  12. sculchy

    Joey 2 vs. 4K Joey

    I don't have a Joey 2 but the 4K Joey speed is comparable to the Hopper 3. After suffering through the original Joey for almost 4 years when it was time to upgrade I went with 3 4K Joey's.
  13. sculchy

    Joey 4K Bluetooth?

    The 4K Joey has built-in Bluetooth.
  14. sculchy

    Hopper 3 terrible HD picture

    So should I believe my eyes or your internet eyes? There's a great big world out there, everyone sees thing differently, your opinion is your own, just because you don't agree with others doesn't make your opinion fact. To sum up your posts in this thread: Mine good, yours can't be bad.
  15. sculchy

    Hopper 3 terrible HD picture

    This statement just made your opinions on picture quality irrelevant. Not trying to be rude, just trying to be clear.
  16. sculchy

    Hopper 3 terrible HD picture

    Or you could try ignoring this "stupid" thread instead of being one of the major contributors to it.
  17. sculchy

    4K Joey UI problem?

    I had (3) 4K Joey's installed on 2/1 and I have never rebooted any of them. The only issue I have with them is they stop 10 minutes or so further into the program then they should.
  18. sculchy

    Should I get 4K Joeys instead of 2.0's?

    I'm confused, who's the one that needs to learn proper manners???
  19. sculchy

    Hopper 3 terrible HD picture

    Their Reference series does.
  20. sculchy

    my installation experence today on the hopper 3

    My installer told me they changed it from 0-9, I never received a call though.
  21. sculchy

    Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

    The 40 is the remote that currently comes with the 4K Joey's.
  22. sculchy

    Who got contacted from Dirt on a new Hopper 3

    I got contacted by AbeK at 9:07 this morning and was 17th on the list. As of 12:40 I still don't have my install scheduled and haven't heard from him in over 2 hours. Bottom line don't waste your time.
  23. sculchy

    Hopper 3 Available Jan. 30th

    Unfortunately, yes and 4K. PIP coming soon(Dish style).
  24. sculchy

    Hopper 3 Available Jan. 30th

    The touchpad remote is the 50.0.