1000.2 setup in 2 places


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Parry Sound Ontario

I have a 1000.2 setup in Savannah, GA pointed at EA satellites. I get good HD but no locals.
I think this is because I cannot see the 77W bird and this was explained to me at the time of install.
I'm quite happy with what I have as this is a vacation home.

Our main home is 2 hrs north of Toronto in Canada and I wanted to be able to use the system here
as well. To this end I purchased an extra dish and set it up this time aiming at the 110,119,129 birds.
As I have read online, my chances of a signal from 129 are poor and sure enough I cannot lock on to it
and so get few HD channels. I also still do not get any local channels. 110 & 119 are fine.

I am looking for solutions to the limitations of my setup here in Canada. I would ideally like all HD and
local channels. I don't really care where the local channels are from. My options appear to be to either
move the whole dish to point at the EA or add a single LNB & dish to point at 61,5W for HD. Still not sure
either of these changes would give me any local stations.

Would love to call Dish support but none of their 800 numbers work from north of the border.

Any suggestions are most appreciated


Steve Hadcroft
For the Eastern Arc you should be using an EA 1000.4 that has LNBs for 61.5, 72, and 77.

The 1000.2 is for the Western Arc with LNBs for 110, 119, & 129. There is also a Western Arc 1000.4 with LNBs for 110, 119, & 129.

Which locals are you looking for?
Thanks for the suggestions

I have checked my dish and it measures 25+" x 20+" so it would seem it is a 1000.4 rather than 1000.2
It is black with red lettering and I was told by an installer in Savannah that this makes it a 1000.2. No idea if the LNB's
are for EA or WA. Any suggestions on how to check this? As for locals, I don't care where they are from. From looking
at spot beam coverage Buffalo or Detroit might just reach here.

As mentioned 129 may be problematic even with a 1000.4 dish so the other option would be to add a single lnb dish pointed
at 61.5W. Any suggestions as to which one to buy and setup instructions.

Thanks again
More good info...thanks

My LNB's are certainly like the one for the WA. So it seems I have a 1000.4 dish
with WA LNB's which should give me the best chance of picking up 129. It's snowy here
now so I'm not inclined to mess with the setup but come the warmer weather I will buy a
Satellite meter and have another go at picking up 129.

Should I not be able to find it, can anyone suggest how to setup an extra dish pointed at 61.5
and integrate this with my existing arrangement.

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