2 Dish 500's and "no switch box detected" ???


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Sep 26, 2006
I have two Dish 500's hooked up to a 301 receiver and I can't get any signal. When I run a switch test, I keep getting "no switch box detected". Do I need to replace the switch? If so, which one? ANY comments are welcomed.
Not sure what your hook-up is.
Are you saying that you have two 110 and two 119 LNBFs going into one tuner?
If so, that will not work. :confused:
ok, I have two dish tm 500 satellites on my roof and they both have a cord that merges to one cord, which I believe is hooked up to my reciever. I can turn my reciever on and see the menu with all of the options. I've been running switch tests to try and hook the whole thing up.
What satellites are you trying to receive?

How many lnb's are looking at each dish 1 or 2?

Are the lnb's Dish Pro? Do they have a a large DP on them?

What are they connected to so they merge into 1 cord?

Who hooked this all up?

And finally is your 301 leagly subscribed to Dish programing?

Where did HDNet Movies go?

Can you get 118 with separate dish?

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