2 receiver 2 dish question


Original poster
Mar 24, 2005
I have a dish 500 and a dish 300 connected to two 301 receivers. The dish 500 is for 119 and 110 and the dish 300 is for 61.5. The 2nd dish for 61.5 was installed recently and the installer only checked the signal on one receiver. This receiver shows all three satellites

The second receiver only shows my original dish 500 satellites (119 and 110). How do I get it to recognize the 61.5 satellite. I know the connections are all good because I swapped receiver locations and it is just the one receiver that does not show 61.5

When I select 61.5 in the check dish menu, it says "wrong satellite-110 or 119) and doesn't show any signal. Do I need to do anything with the transponder numbers ? I am lost

Thanks for your help

Welcome to Satellite Guys asd108! :welcome

Well let's start with the easiest solution. Have you performed a Check Switch on the second 301? If so, what does it show, how is it different from check switch on the 301 that is seeing 61.5?

Well I am not at home right now, but when I did check switch on the second 301 last night it showed the two 119 and 110 satellites - I don't remember if it says anything about dish 500. I am getting all the 119 and 110 satellite channels on this receiver

I did not do check switch on the the 301 that is seeing 61.5 so I don't know what it says. I guess I can check tonight
Well, in order for both your recievers to have all three sats you would need two SW21 switches or one DPP Twin. If you already have two 21 switches hooked up then maybe you should swap the lines and see if the problem jumps.
Thanks for the replies. It turns out, all I had to do was a "check Switch" on the second receiver and it updated the configuration to include the second lnb for the 61.1 satellite.

good thing it was just that :)

I know when I had a 2nd dish added for must carry, the tech did a check switch on one receiver and not the other
*nods* you know, posts like this had me assuming for fricken ages that our dishes (dual 500s, I think), were aimed at 110, 119, and 61.5...

I check today and see 110, 119, and 148.. whoa! What is 61.5 anyway? *sorry for verring off topic a little bit, but this seems close enough*

oh where, oh where is the 942?

Monthly Cost for a Two Tuner Rcvr

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