3 months free promotion ends Jan 31.2004 will it be extended

Rocky Watson

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
With the major promotion to sell a dish network system being "3 months free" do you think it will be extended after jan 31?

They do tend to extend promotions when it comes to free system promotions but when it comes to 3 free months or programming it is less likely to be extended. They always come up with an expiration date for a promotion whether or not they plan on having the promotions longer or not to get people to hurry up and get the deal.
Scott Greczkowski said:
No decission has been made yet, it is expected a decission will be made on the Jan 13th Retailer Chat.
Hopefully they will make the decision before the chat, and announce it on the chat. I'm not sure Charlie would want to make the decision live on the air, although that would add to the drama.

If the competition particularly DirecTv offers free programming then Dish would be more likely to do so as well, especially with Murdoch in charge of DirecTv.

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