322 and heat


Original poster
Jun 7, 2007
I have a 322 that I got for my RV. I've noticed the 322 is quite hot on top even when it's not turned on. When the RV isn't being used it is just sitting out in the yard and it gets pretty hot in there since I don't run the AC while it's not being used. Should I unplug the receiver when I'm not using it in this case? I've heard of receivers that stop working due to over heating.

If I did unplug it for periods of time, would that cause any ramifications when I go to use it again? I've also heard of receivers being deactivated, but I don't know all the facts.

Even though when I set this up I told E* that I was going to use it in an RV, and the installer actually came to the campground I was at to set it up, I have since been warned not to tell them that it is in an RV, so now I don't know what to do. I don't want to call them and cause any issues and you all seem to know more than anyone.


edit - Oops, changed D* to E*, still getting used to the lingo here...
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I have a VIP 211 in my motor-home which like your 322 gets rather hot just plugged in.
I installed a switch before outlet for dish and auto sat locater and turn it off when not in use, which could be a month or longer. Have had 211 or 811 in motor-home for 4 years and no problem with E*, I have a RV waiver from about 6-7 years ago. The only thing I've noticed is it takes some time to download updates if off for extended periods. By the way my 211 seems to do a good job hooked up to the OTA as well.
If the receiver(s) are going to be unplugged from a power circuit for extended lengths of time ( 6 months or greater ) then when you plug them back in you will need to wait about 15 mins or so for it to update so it is best to leave it alone. If you dont have one of the fancy auto tracking rv dishes then you should take the receiver inside your home and connect it to the home dish and let it download that way so that all you have to do is reconnect it in the rv and then go to the signal screen and tune in the dish. I dont think you will have a problem tuning in the dish though if you dont take the receiver in your home and download it but if you try to go to the guide or any channels then it will lock up so be sure to turn it off after you tune in the dish and wait a bit.
Thanks for the replies.

rustamust, I don't think, from what I've read, they have RV waivers anymore. I didn't even ask about it when I got the service, but we discussed using it in the RV and the rep didn't say anything one way or the other, including the phone line part that I am now learning about. I don't mind (too much) paying the extra $5 a month, but it would have been nice if someone would have told me. I'm confused about the OTA thing. Mine doesn't appear to have that, but how does that work?

Van, I don't have a fancy tracking dish, I have my dish mounted on a piece of wood on the ground.:eek: Less likely to blow over than a tripod I figure. I wouldn't leave it off for 6 months, more like a couple weeks at a time, but I guess in the winter I'll bring it inside and hook it up.

I read somewhere about software updates. Do they come through the sat or do I need to hook it to a phone line to get them?