360 Mars on Voom MOOV, 4/25 2:00pm

I have watch the Moov channel for brief minute when I first got voom installed. I haven't ever been back to watch this channel. Maybe its just me, but I think voom can delete this channel and use it for another channel.
There's lots of cool stuff showing on this channel, you just have to catch it at the right time. Try it after you've had a few drinks/snorts/puffs of your favorite intoxicant.
Sean Mota said:
Maybe Ilya can get us the schedule of this one as well....
Sounds interesting. I will ask...
Ok, that segment next airs 4/24 8:30 am and 4/25 7:00am and 2:00 pm, I was told.
I was finally able to catch it. Great! a 15-minute or so segment. A very detailed Mars panorama. The best I've ever seen!

That's what we need on VOOM: NASA TV in HD! Can you imagine streaming HD video from the ISS, from the Moon or from a Mars mission?!! That would be the ultimate reality TV!

VOOM, NASA, are you listening? VOOM needs more HD channels. NASA has money and technology and desperately needs to attract interest and attention of taxpayers to its missions and programs. Sounds like a win-win proposition...
Hi Sean,
It seems you didn't get VOOM de-installed afterall. You sent me an email saying you were glad I was staying, but I am probably going to cancel due to the lack of new content on my favorites like Rush, Rave and Monsters.
kfried001 said:
Hi Sean,
It seems you didn't get VOOM de-installed afterall. You sent me an email saying you were glad I was staying, but I am probably going to cancel due to the lack of new content on my favorites like Rush, Rave and Monsters.


no I did not. I am going to wait and see where VOOM is heading. The HD content will improve. It's just a matter of when. I am in waiting mode.
Sean Mota said:
This will be shown again at 2pm today. In about 15 minutes!
Actually, they've been showing it earlier today around 10:30 - 11, I hope they will repeat, though.
rang1995 said:
that didn't look like mars to me, thanks for the heads up though..if you see it again let us know
It certainly was, though I don't remember the precise time. It was right before "The Man with a Movie Camera" this morning...

Unfortunately MOOV doesn't have precise schedules...

Disappointed with HD vs DVD movies

CBS-HD: Helter Skelter 8pm Tonight!

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