501/508/510 Software Upgrade

Every time they upgrade my 501 it locks up and I have to reboot it doing the Hodl down the power buttong trick or pulling the smart card.

I then loose what I was recording at the time.

I have lost many.

What out for updates.
Now downloading...

A couple of screens appeared..
One telling me that software was being downloaded and the other saying to not touch the reciever because the memory was being programmed. This is the first time I've seen such screens, the other times where a software update ocurred those screens never appeared just a black screen.
I got a summary from a E* contact, and it's mostly maintenance, but the following bug is fixed:
When customer goes to view, and receiver is
in inactivity standby mode, the customer may see snow on TV screen vs. the screen saver. If this is the case, the timers will not fire.

So, nothing really major.

Dish Executive VP Resigns

P220 501/508 Downloaded this Afternoon

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