501 PVR - How to transfer recorded programs?

Bud Fox

New Member
Original poster
Jan 23, 2004
I posted this in the PVR section, but figured I'd put it here too, because of the higher level of traffic:

My 501 PVR has been acting up. Whenever I turn it on, the hard drive disc spins and spins and never boots up. After a couple hard resets, I can usually get it to work. I called Dish, and they said they'd replace rather than repair the unit at no charge (extended warranty).

Anyway, I've got a couple programs I don't want to lose saved on it. I am pretty much resigned to buying the Panasonic DMR E80 and transferring them to that. (I've been thinking of buying that anyway). But before I spend $600, I figured I'd ask if anyone knew of another way to get the programs off the 501.

I've got two 501's in my possession (the replacement receiver just arrived.) Is there a way to record from one to the other? Or any other way to get it off the bad receiver? Video tape is not an desired option.

Thanks in advance for your help. I found this forum a couple weeks ago and it's been great.


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