522 Activation


Original poster
Mar 6, 2004
As an current dish customer if I buy a 522 off of ebay will dish activate it on my account?
Don't count on it. As you probably know, 522s are currently reserved for new DHA leasing subscibers. The ones you see on ebay are mostly stolen, in some cases being sold by leasers who don't realize that they don't own what they're trying to sell. And, no doubt, some previous suckers are trying to resell units that they couldn't get activated.

Why not go for the DVR upgrade promo for existing customers? You can get a PVR721 for $249 and no "VOD" fees.
johnch said:
I just called about 721 upgrade from Dish and they said it does not exist. Where do I get the 721 upgrade for existing customers?

Go to your original dealer that you bought your system from or play csr roulette, most should know about this deal buy now, but then we are talking about E*. :shrug:

my install

Has anyone recieved DishNet 921 & 34"TV package Yet?

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