522 Software Update L1.61

How did you find out what version your 522 software was? I have been looking to find out. Also emailed DISH about when the 522 will be for sale to current DISH non-DHP customers and they said they hope to by next quarter. Just thought I would throw that out there.
Didn't fix anything on my 522, not that there is anything wrong with it but a small Caller ID bug (which didn't get fixed).

Also did not add any new features i.e. Dish Home or Single Mode.

I went thru all the menus and I can't find anything different.

I did do an advanced error report on a quirk that the 522 does with locals when the guide has not fully downloaded, but since the 522 has kept the guide fully populated after the first day I have no way of checking it that bug was fixed.

Oh well, whatever they did it is still the best most stable receiver I have ever owned.

928gt said:
I did do an advanced error report on a quirk that the 522 does with locals when the guide has not fully downloaded, but since the 522 has kept the guide fully populated after the first day I have no way of checking it that bug was fixed.
You can un-populate the guide by DISABLING UPDATES.

Menu - 8- 5

It defaults to 3AM every morning to load the program guide and check for new software. If you turn this off, in a day or two it will exhaust the guide and you can check for the bug. (I think anyway...)

Then the only time it will load guide data is at power on. I leave mine on 24/7
Hi Mark,

True, but don't really want to waste my time trying to recreate a bug that doesn't matter. If I get bored I may investigate.

OH, found a new feature on my 522, IF you call it a feature. Not sure if it was like this before.

If you turn the power off via the remote, and then press either channel up or down(with it still off), the sytem info comes up. Going to check my other receivers later to see if they do this also. No biggie, just never noticed that they did this before.


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