Here's a link for a document listed in a thread on the Technical sub-forum.
I believe the info in this document is pretty good, it does not depend on what a CSR tells you, and Scott had enough faith to post it.
You can look for your replacement remote by scrolling through the document. Also, I
believe the
6.2 Kit and
6.3 Kit will replace any remote that Dish uses, since the these kits come with extra tabs that will change the function of the remotes.
There are 3 types of signals; IR, UHF, and UHF PRO.
The AUX Mode can be programmed to send "Dish IR and UHF" signals for older receivers, or "Dish IR" for new receivers.
The SAT Mode uses either "Dish IR", "Dish UHF PRO", or "Dish UHF", depending on what color
TAB you put on the bottom of the remote. The document shows each remote and the tabs that come with it.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: If you buy a used/new one from E-Bay, make sure it comes with all of the tabs, or at least the tab you need.